Luke Yu

Results 223 comments of Luke Yu

@oceanlvr Could you please help with this issue? This looks like a problem with creating a `temp_migration_table`.

Hello, thanks for your feedback, could you please tell me what detailed actions were done before opening? Is this your first time installing MQTTX?

OK, I suddenly understand why this is happening, MQTT X can't handle too much data and too many messages very well right now, there may be some formatting errors in...

Thanks for your feedback. This feature is always on our product roadmap, so stay tuned!

Oh, Thanks! Thanks for your interest in emqx and MQTT X, and we will be adding connection tests for QUIC in the future! Thanks for your suggestion!

Hi! There is no dedicated topic import and export function, but the data currently supported for export include topics. For scenarios where you need to add topics one at a...

Hello! I am sorry that the installation package of Winget is unofficially maintained, we do not know how to update the package here, you can directly download the package on...

@beautiful-ppi Thank you for your suggestion, this will really help some, I will optimize in the later versions.

@alibbbian Thank you for having used.

Hi @puhitaku sorry, I'm late replying, I was on vacation last week and will consider this optimization. For topics that are too long to use, I would recommend using a...