win32-darkmode copied to clipboard
What would cause AllowDarkModeForWindow to return false?
I'm trying to implement this in a wxWidgets app. I call InitDarkMode() and g_darkModeSupported gets set to true, and the main menus are dark (nice!) and so are the scrollbars.
However, creating a window then calling AllowDarkModeForWindow() with the HWND of the window (or a control, doesn't matter) returns false, and window is not dark.
Any clues? I'm on Windows 10 Pro Version 20H2 OS Build 19042.508 (and yes, I've modified my version of CheckBuildNumber() to be >= 19041 instead of == 19041...)
In 19041, the AllowDarkModeForWindow
returns last state of dark mode:
What's the class name of that window?