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Take Type Challenges in VS Code

Results 7 vscode-type-challenges issues
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Just noticed the new completion status feature in the sidebar. Thank you. However, I noticed that if the project has a `tsconfig.json` file, there will be phantom status errors in...


发现你已经做了本地code的功能了, 还是提交了吧,你看看有没有能用的代码😄

It's better to turn on some compiler flags by defalut. For example, `strictNullChecks` is assumed by some test cases.

Awesome extension it is! I have two or more devices, which are for work or for life. Unfortunately, the `workspaceFolder` is local, and I have to create GitHub repository to...

pr welcome

您好! 我留意到了一个关于vue.js的挑战的网站,其风格和TS类型挑战一样, 它的地址:https://cn-vuejs-challenges.netlify.app/ 它的仓库:https://github.com/webfansplz/vuejs-challenges 我在vscode中寻找了一番,没有看到相关的插件,想到您是TS类型体操vscode的开发者,不知您是否有兴趣继续开发一下 vue.js挑战的插件呢? 本来是发送信息到您的邮箱[email protected]的,但是邮件被退回了,理由是无法找到该邮箱地址,我使用了QQ邮箱来发送邮件,如果方便的话,请您核查一下邮箱是否能提供正常的服务,谢谢!

Add a vscode setting to allow use of local packages, creating a `package.json` file. This would allow using `@type-challenges/utils` and a local version of Typescript.

pr welcome

点接受挑战会弹出下面的提示语,提示语是乱码的。提示语内容如下: ``` 'tsc' �����ڲ����ⲿ���Ҳ���ǿ����еij��� ���������ļ��� ``` ![image](https://github.com/yrming/vscode-type-challenges/assets/24707409/27a6cd06-60b4-4ee1-baf6-44039f5fce02)