Results 44 comments of YQ

哈哈,就怕这个 ![Screenshot_2022-08-22-10-43-02-358_com.zhihu.android.jpg](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37969157/185828384-f5d4717b-3946-44f0-b62b-3499a95c3083.jpg)


Same problem. I have tried amulet on my Tercent-Cloud machine and it had the same error response. Maybe the reason is that VM environments currently used cannot restore the real...

> I fixed this issue by installing Mesa for Windows, this is easy now with the "OpenGL and OpenCL compatibilty pack", https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/opencl%E2%84%A2-and-opengl%C2%AE-compatibility-pack/9NQPSL29BFFF?hl=en-us&gl=US, which converts OpenGL to Direct3D and Windows has...

Thanks a lot! Version 0.10b2 works well on virtual machines

Report another bug when I tested Amulet v0.10.2b: (These "name conflict") And I have encounted with the same problem on my laptop. So it is not related to virtual environment,...

> You haven't specified if it is a Bedrock or Java world. I am going to assume it is Bedrock. We run database compaction when closing the world which can...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37969157/174932505-87924546-23e4-4d78-a6e6-6987974a05de.png) Encounted with the same problem in newest release version