ScreenshotPreventing-iOS copied to clipboard
How to work on iOS 16.4 in SwiftUI.
Hi, @yoxisem544. Thank you for your amazing tool.
I have a few questions. When I set your tools on iOS 16.4 in SwiftUI, I can't tap list column and my app's layout is not working well. And I can't move to a detailed page. The preventing screenshot function is working well.
How do I fix it? Thank you.
can you try adding
if #available(iOS 16, *) { return "_UITextContainerView" }
to getHiddenContainerTypeInStringRepresentation
It's not work.
I've try to run in all ios16.* versions and its working fine. I created a template for you can test if you want.
If you have any trouble let me know. Cheers 🍻
It just doesn't work for me, the screenshot is made. I tested on a Simulator with this code:
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
NavigationStack {
ScreenshotPrevent(isProtected: true) {
I use iOS 16.4
@acmpo6ou @vitor-otero @zihjielitw @mmdock @shun77768 ScreenShield is a similar library that provides a simple way to protect your app's content from being captured or recorded by screenshots and screen recordings, supported in iOS 17 as well. ScreenShield