youtube-ios-player-helper copied to clipboard
Support for Xcode 12 and iOS 14
I'm testing my app on Xcode 12 and iOS 14. I'm using the 1.0.2 version of the pod
When I try to play the video in the simulator (iOS 14), I am getting this error and the video does not start:
[assertion] Error acquiring assertion: <Error Domain=RBSAssertionErrorDomain Code=3 "Required client entitlement is missing" UserInfo={RBSAssertionAttribute=<RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"MediaPlayback" sourceEnvironment:"(null)">, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Required client entitlement is missing}>
2020-07-14 16:50:11.276431+0200 Chordify[34913:9878656] [ProcessSuspension] 0x127dbe1b0 - ProcessAssertion: Failed to acquire RBS MediaPlayback assertion 'WebKit Media Playback' for process with PID 34916, error: Error Domain=RBSAssertionErrorDomain Code=3 "Required client entitlement is missing" UserInfo={RBSAssertionAttribute=<RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"MediaPlayback" sourceEnvironment:"(null)">, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Required client entitlement is missing}
When I run the app on a device (iOS 13.5.1), the video does play, however I still see errors:
[assertion] Error acquiring assertion: <NSError: 0x281998b40; domain: RBSAssertionErrorDomain; code: 2; reason: "Client is missing required entitlement"> {
userInfo = {
RBSAssertionAttribute = <RBSLegacyAttribute: 0x105e77f60; requestedReason: MediaPlayback; reason: MediaPlayback; flags: PreventTaskSuspend | PreventTaskThrottleDown | WantsForegroundResourcePriority>;
EDIT: On Xcode 12 beta 2 and 3, the video starts also for iOS 14, but I get the same error messages. Since it is now only error messages it is not critical anymore, however, not desired 🤔
The same issue...
Hi @ElenaVielva
I have the same problem with my app on Xcode 12 and with iOS 14.
Were you able to solve? I'm going crazy
this is what is returned to me:
Error acquiring assertion: <Error Domain=RBSAssertionErrorDomain Code=3 "Required client entitlement is missing" UserInfo={RBSAssertionAttribute=<RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"MediaPlayback" sourceEnvironment:"(null)">, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Required client entitlement is missing}> 2020-09-19 18:18:34.285359+0200 Sample[38448:1057848] [ProcessSuspension] 0x10a977fc0 - ProcessAssertion: Failed to acquire RBS MediaPlayback assertion 'WebKit Media Playback' for process with PID 38456, error: Error Domain=RBSAssertionErrorDomain Code=3 "Required client entitlement is missing" UserInfo={RBSAssertionAttribute=<RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"MediaPlayback" sourceEnvironment:"(null)">, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Required client entitlement is missing} 2020-09-19 18:18:34.286328+0200 Sample[38448:1057848] [assertion] Error acquiring assertion: <Error Domain=RBSAssertionErrorDomain Code=3 "Required client entitlement is missing" UserInfo={RBSAssertionAttribute=<RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"MediaPlayback" sourceEnvironment:"(null)">, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Required client entitlement is missing}> 2020-09-19 18:18:34.286475+0200 Sample[38448:1057848] [ProcessSuspension] 0x10a977300 - ProcessAssertion: Failed to acquire RBS MediaPlayback assertion 'WebKit Media Playback' for process with PID 38448, error: Error Domain=RBSAssertionErrorDomain Code=3 "Required client entitlement is missing" UserInfo={RBSAssertionAttribute=<RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"MediaPlayback" sourceEnvironment:"(null)">, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Required client entitlement is missing}
+1 – I'm seeing this on iOS 14 and Xcode 12 too...
Any solution you found @ElenaVielva ?
No news. I still get the error/warning. Playing the video is not a problem anymore since beta 2
same issue....
Still no solution for that?
same issue....
@ElenaVielva Hi, have you solved this issue yet? I can now play Xcode12/13 and iOS14/15. But on iOS13 Simulator can not play.