Junxiao Shi

Results 45 comments of Junxiao Shi

> while at it set-value and get-value can be updated. NPM is now complaining about some vulnerability in `set-value`. ```text set-value =4.0.0 Depends on vulnerable versions of set-value ```

I'm using a certificate generated by OpenSSL following these instructions: https://github.com/GoogleChrome/samples/blob/8223e1b7f619bde037cf010dd9a2d899556a2d89/quictransport/quic_transport_server.py#L56-L75 My localhost is Windows and cannot install `aioquic` successfully, so I installed that on a Linux server in my...

https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=762819#c5 > I don't see --user-data-dir (which has to be set in order for --ignore-certificate-errors-spki-list to be set) After adding `--user-data-dir=.\quic-userdata`, it's working. Moreover, it has to be a non-existent...

In system programming there's always a trade-off between ease-of-use and performance. The ESP8266WebServer library seems to prefer ease-of-use, so that they use a lot of `String`s. One could make an...

Command to build a container from RPM packages: ```bash echo ' FROM centos:7 ADD https://ftp.ripe.net/ripe/atlas/software-probe/centos7/x86_64/atlasswprobe-5020-1.el7.x86_64.rpm / RUN echo assumeyes=1 >> /etc/yum.conf && \ yum update && \ yum -y install...

> there is basically no implementation which supports it There is implementation of NDN v0.3 now. I have a C language decoder in https://github.com/usnistgov/ndn-dpdk `csrc/ndni` folder.

The change is on the **client**. No change has been made to the server. When the client receives a response from the server, it should cancel the timer and allow...

For this test case, the server cannot prevent the process from exiting, because it uses an EventEmitter that does not have a socket. Your socket based servers, such as the...

Hey @koorchik can you review and merge?

After a long time without action from the repository owner, I have decided to publish my patches in a fork: [@yoursunny/mole-rpc](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@yoursunny/mole-rpc). If anyone else is affected from this bug, you...