Thank you for the information! Anyone with other device types, please leave them in the comments. A link to the product would help! I will make a list of all...
@thephantom What do mean?
Thanks all for the device types. I will make a markdown file containing all this info a well with product urls. Thanks @Stijn-Jacobs for all the info, I will add...
@thephantom since I don't have a smoke detector, I can't make it working. When I ever own one or something similar, I will try to add it, but can't make...
Don’t have either of the devices, nor any other sensor, so can’t really make it work unfortunately.
@kalis3 @pro2ton It's hard for me to help with this. It seems to be a switch so it uses `0` or `3` as `onOffFunction`, but I don't know the entity...
@martienvd @RonaldR yes I experience this issue as well with iOS 17. I can kinda fix it, but I would rather see that HomeBridge fixes this. `maxBrightness` is already 255...
For everyone wanting to use the new architecture: easiest way is to create a patch using Yarn and the PR @batuhansahan created (#6). Instructions can be found [here](https://yarnpkg.com/cli/patch).