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Files and libraries are included, but project won't compile

Open hromacho opened this issue 6 years ago • 24 comments

Hi, I'm trying to use your library and I'm encountering an issue. Screenshot from Gyazo Screenshot from Gyazo Nevertheless, when I peek the definition of the SleepyDiscord namespace, it takes me there: Screenshot from Gyazo I could never compile a project that linked sleepy_discord (not even the examples provided). I linked all the libraries and dependencies and followed your guide, but it doesn't seem to work for me.

I don't have any problem with the include directives. No errors there, but it says that SleepyDiscord namespace doesn't exist or something like that. Maybe it's a noob mistake (it's actually my first time linking libraries and so in c++, so I could've messed up somewhere).

Thanks in advance.

hromacho avatar Oct 06 '17 17:10 hromacho

I'm going to guess this is an issue with your deps folder and that you are using websocketpp. In your deps folder, check that you have included websocketpp correctly. If it was incorrect, recompile Sleepy Discord and it should work. Also make sure that you include IncludeNonexistant last.

yourWaifu avatar Oct 07 '17 00:10 yourWaifu

@yourWaifu i have the same issue too. What did i not do or did wrong? I launched and pressed Enter in every step. Then i created empty C++ project in VS2017. In "Include Directories" i included "E:\sleepy-discord\include", "E:\sleepy-discord\deps", "E:\sleepy-discord\deps\include" and "E:\sleepy-discord\include\sleepy_discord\IncludeNonexistent". In "Library Directories" i included "E:\sleepy-discord\deps\lib". In Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies i pasted "sleepy_discord.lib". My deps folder has only empty folders "lib" and "include". And now VS says me "name followed by '::' must be a class or namespace name"

rept1d avatar Jan 11 '18 19:01 rept1d

I launched and pressed Enter in every step Umm, I don't think that's what you were supposed to do. I'm going to guess you wanted to use Websocketpp on Windows. If so, delete your deps folder, and redo by giving these inputs to

0 1

This shouldn't affect your error, but for the Library Directories, you are missing the directory where sleepy_discord.lib is compiled to, and for Additional Dependencies, unless you are not using any other librarys, you are missing the lib files for your other librarys needed for Sleepy Discord to work.

If you want to use Sleepy Discord without any other librarys, you already have the library compiled, so just link the library, and write your own code. None of the examples will work for you as a lot of it will depend on the code you will write to talk to my library. However, the Unofficial 3DS Client, and WebAssembly Client are good examples of how this can be done.

yourWaifu avatar Jan 11 '18 21:01 yourWaifu

@yourWaifu Thank you for your answer. Now i launched and inputed 0 and 0 1. Now i included \include, \deps, \deps\include and \include\sleepy_discord\IncludeNonexistent and library \deps\lib. Before building solution there are no errors, but after it there are some warnings and only one error: C4996 'std::copy::_Unchecked_iterators::_Deprecate': Call to 'std::copy' with parameters that may be unsafe - this call relies on the caller to check that the passed values are correct. To disable this warning, use -D_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See documentation on how to use Visual C++ 'Checked Iterators' c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio\2017\enterprise\vc\tools\msvc\14.10.25017\include\xutility 2350

rept1d avatar Jan 12 '18 07:01 rept1d

I have already fixed this issue, someone else reported on it, and I was planning on doing a wave of commits with a fix for this issue. Plus just add _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS to your list of preprocessors like the error tells you will disable it.

yourWaifu avatar Jan 12 '18 07:01 yourWaifu

One of two things, you can apply this simple change that should fix it (Note: this is untested as I'm working on other things) image or just disable the error image

yourWaifu avatar Jan 12 '18 07:01 yourWaifu

@yourWaifu for me first thing didn't do anything. Second thing replaced the error with these errors:

rept1d avatar Jan 12 '18 08:01 rept1d

for the first one, I'm guessing you forgot to recompile for the second one, it looks it is not linking sleepy_discord.lib, which makes sense, because you didn't add the folder that the compiler compiled sleepy_discord.lib into your Library Directories. image Please read this line from as you missing some important info that is stated in the docs, it's ok if you missed them, since this isn't the first time this happened to someone. Step 6: Do the same thing for Library Directories, add the folder with Sleepy_Discord and all it’s needed libraries. This tells Visual C++ to search for library files in these folders However, then again it should have work if it doesn't say that it couldn't find sleepy_discord.lib, in that case you may have been missing other librarys too or you should recompile.

yourWaifu avatar Jan 12 '18 08:01 yourWaifu

@yourWaifu the problem is that i'm getting errors while compilating sleepy_discord.lib ._.

Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
Error	MSB3073	The command "cd ..\..\..\..\GitHub\emsdk
emsdk_env --build=Release

cd ..\..\nsprojects\sleepy_discord\buildtools
emmake make -f Makefile.linux CXX="emcc -O2 -s WASM=1" CXXFLAGS="-std=c++11 -DSLEEPY_USE_HARD_CODED_GATEWAY" AR="emcc -O2 -o" SUFFIX=.o
xcopy libsleepy_discord.o ..\examples\wasm_example /y
cd ..\examples\wasm_example
emcc -O2 -std=c++11 -I ../../include -I ../../include/sleepy_discord/IncludeNonexistent libsleepy_discord.o wasm_websocket.cpp main.cpp --pre-js mod.js --js-library websocket.js --js-library session.js -s WASM=1  --emrun -o discord.html" exited with code 9009.	wasm_example	C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets	44	
Warning	C4996	'std::copy::_Unchecked_iterators::_Deprecate': Call to 'std::copy' with parameters that may be unsafe - this call relies on the caller to check that the passed values are correct. To disable this warning, use -D_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See documentation on how to use Visual C++ 'Checked Iterators'	sleepy_discord	C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.10.25017\include\xutility	2350	
Warning	LNK4221	This object file does not define any previously undefined public symbols, so it will not be used by any link operation that consumes this library	sleepy_discord	E:\sleepy-discord\sleepy_discord\experimental.obj	1	
Warning	LNK4221	This object file does not define any previously undefined public symbols, so it will not be used by any link operation that consumes this library	sleepy_discord	E:\sleepy-discord\sleepy_discord\discord_object_interface.obj	1	
Error	LNK1104	cannot open file 'libcurl_a.lib'	hello	E:\sleepy-discord\examples\hello\LINK	1	
Error	LNK1104	cannot open file 'libcurl_a.lib'	rock-paper-scissors	E:\sleepy-discord\examples\rock-paper-scissors\LINK	1

rept1d avatar Jan 12 '18 08:01 rept1d

umm that doesn't make sense, how are you getting those? that's for compiling the Web Assembly client not Sleepy Discord

yourWaifu avatar Jan 12 '18 08:01 yourWaifu

@yourWaifu so how can i get sleepy_discord.lib?

rept1d avatar Jan 12 '18 08:01 rept1d

by compiling it from here. image or this

yourWaifu avatar Jan 12 '18 08:01 yourWaifu

@yourWaifu ok, now i compiled successfully and included the library. New error list is there:

rept1d avatar Jan 12 '18 08:01 rept1d

take a look at step 7 to 8 The example should be what you are looking for tho.

yourWaifu avatar Jan 12 '18 08:01 yourWaifu

@yourWaifu i'm not sure what libraries i should add there. I added libcryptoMT.lib and libsslMT.lib from deps\lib folder and now there are these errors: I suppose i didn't add some libraries.

rept1d avatar Jan 12 '18 08:01 rept1d

You forgot to add libcurl, take a look at preparing for some of the others, you will need to link crypt32.lib, it's a windows library for their CryptoAPI.

yourWaifu avatar Jan 12 '18 08:01 yourWaifu

if you follow the directions for compiling libcurl, it should be in sleepy_discord\deps\cpr\opt\curl\builds, move it to your deps/lib and deps/include folders. I have no idea where crypt32.lib is, but visual studio should know where to look for that.

yourWaifu avatar Jan 12 '18 08:01 yourWaifu

@yourWaifu i haven't got builds folder

rept1d avatar Jan 12 '18 08:01 rept1d

did you compile libcurl?

yourWaifu avatar Jan 12 '18 08:01 yourWaifu

@yourWaifu Thank you very much! Now i compiled example without any errors. I don't know if i realy need crypt32.lib, at least there are no errors yet.

rept1d avatar Jan 12 '18 09:01 rept1d

No problem, I'm not sure if this is because of libcurl, however you will need it if you getting linker errors from libcrypto.

yourWaifu avatar Jan 12 '18 09:01 yourWaifu

@yourWaifu off topic, but how can i send utf-8 messages? If i'm using utf-8 symbols like ñ or д i'm getting this default

rept1d avatar Jan 12 '18 14:01 rept1d

I think it's done with Unicode Escape sequence or whatever they are called. For example \\u0394

yourWaifu avatar Jan 12 '18 20:01 yourWaifu

@yourWaifu converting cp1251 to utf8 helped me

rept1d avatar Jan 13 '18 16:01 rept1d