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Vertical ViewPager within Horizontal Viewpager
There's an issue while I'm trying to use Vertical ViewPager within Horizontal view pager just like this app did https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nis.app&hl=en but horizontal swipe isn't working in Vertical ViewPager. Can you please look into the issues.
Setup: Parent is Horizontal ViewPager having 3 Fragments, in which Fragment at 0th index is having Child which is a Vertical ViewPager having 15 Fragments.
yeah,i just test your issues.i will try my best to fix it.
@youngkaaa Thanks very much, please keep updating the issue when you're upto some progress.
hello @youngkaaa any update on the issue, and could you please let me know why's the library Min API is 15 not 14 (need short and precise answer, I'll understand)
I'm so sorry,because i'm busy with looking for job recently,and forget to view this issues. I just fix the minSdkVersion bug,you can see the README . and the first bug which can not swipe vertical in horzontal I will fix it when I has free time . and if you can fix it, which i 'm very welcome .At last,thanks for your issues.
Hey @youngkaaa you don't need to be sorry about this, thanks for your response and work that you've done, I'll look into the code and if I'd able to fix it I'll create a pull request.
@sfworxco yeah many thanks
viewpager 嵌套的fragment 超出一屏高度,支持上下滑动吗?
Does anyone(@sfworxco && @youngkaaa ) got any solution for this? I am also stuck in the same problem. Only 0th item position scroll properly.