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PyTorch KoBART/DistilKoBART Application

KoBART Voice Summarization


1. Inference Overview


This repo introduces the fine-tuning process of Korean BART (KoBART).

2. Environment

Download KoBART using the following command.

pip install git+https://github.com/SKT-AI/KoBART#egg=kobart

Then install packages specified in requirements.txt. It can be also installed through Dockerfile.

3. Code Structure

# KoBART-summarization related code
    └─ data/
      └─ cached/ # tokenized indice without special tokens
          ├─ cached_train.jsonl
          ├─ cached_dev.jsonl
          └─ cached_test.jsonl
      ├─ train.jsonl # raw data with many meta-data
      ├─ dev.jsonl
      ├─ test.jsonl
      ├─ processed_train.jsonl # only src, tgt text
      ├─ processed_dev.jsonl
      └─ processed_test.jsonl
    └─ metric/
      ├─ get_rouge.py
      └─ rouge_metric.py
    ├─ 1. data_sample.ipynb
    ├─ 2. tokenizer_sample.ipynb
    ├─ 3. dataset_sample.ipynb
    ├─ 4. inference_sample.ipynb
    ├─ config.py
    ├─ dataset.py
    ├─ distilbart.py
    ├─ inference.py
    ├─ main.py
    ├─ preprocess.py
    ├─ trainer.py
    └─ utils.py

4. Data and Model

Text Summarization

  • Data: Korean abstractive summarization dataset (released by Bflysoft and publicly opened in AI Hub)
    • Train 260,697 / Valid 10,000 / Test 10,000 (partially used)
  • Model: KoBART, DistilKoBART

Voice Synthesis

5. How to


It is required to download train.jsonl / dev.jsonl / test.jsonl in advance and locate them according to above structure. Then run the following command at src/summarization/ path.

# train 
python preprocess.py --mode train

# dev 
python preprocess.py --mode dev

# test 
python preprocess.py --mode test


Run the following command at root path.

sh run_kobart.sh


from inference import get_summarized_text

ckpt: str = """ Trained checkpoint path """
text: str = """ Text passage to be summarized """
n_enc: int = """ Number of encoder layer (only when using DistilKoBART) """
n_dec: int = """ Number of decoder layer (only when using DistilKoBART) """
summary = get_summarized_text(ckpt, text, n_enc, n_dec)

You can check some sample results in this notebook.

6. Results

Videos are recorded in Korean.

Evaluation metric is from this link, and models are denoted as {model}-{n_enc}-{n_dec}.


  • Number of Parameters: 123,859,968
Rouge-1 Rouge-2 Rouge-L
Precision 0.467 0.314 0.373
Recall 0.601 0.399 0.476
F1-Score 0.507 0.339 0.403


  • Number of Parameters: 102,596,352
Rouge-1 Rouge-2 Rouge-L
Precision 0.462 0.307 0.366
Recall 0.587 0.385 0.461
F1-Score 0.496 0.327 0.392


  • Number of Parameters: 95,504,640
Rouge-1 Rouge-2 Rouge-L
Precision 0.481 0.324 0.386
Recall 0.582 0.386 0.464
F1-Score 0.510 0.340 0.408


  • Number of Parameters: 74,241,024
Rouge-1 Rouge-2 Rouge-L
Precision 0.472 0.314 0.378
Recall 0.575 0.377 0.457
F1-Score 0.501 0.331 0.399


You can check demo page for qualitative analysis.

7. Members

Hyeongwon Kang, Subin Kim, Jina Kim, Takyoung Kim


Jounghee Kim helped a lot for voice synthesis task.

8. Reference