Rachel Brindle
Rachel Brindle
Apple News is a JSON-based format used in the Apple News app. It's spec is located at https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/General/Conceptual/Apple_News_Format_Ref/AppleNewsFormat.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40015408-CH79-SW1
```swift public protocol HttpClient { func get( path: String, parameters: [String: String] ) -> Future } ``` Causes it to ignore the `-> Future` part. (I get a generated fake...
I have a protocol that looks like: ```swift protocol Foo { var map: String! { get set } } ``` I expect to see: ```swift class FakeFoo: Foo { fileprivate...
If I have a protocol that has: ``` func geocode(query: String, callback: @escaping (MKLocalSearchResponse?, Error?) -> (Void)) -> (Void) ``` I should not see stuff like: ``` func geocodeArgs(forCall callIndex:...
a file like ```swift protocol MyFunkyStuff func isFunky(name: String) -> Bool } ``` (note the lack of opening `{`) succeeds when it shouldn't, producing code that looks like: ```swift import...
When using this plugin, I would sometimes like to be able to move where my generated fakes are. I'd love to be able to specify that the root directory for...
For example, if I have a protocol that looks like: ``` swift public protocol Archiver { func zipIntoArchive(destinationArchiveURL: NSURL, _ inputPaths: [String]) -> SignalProducer func unzipArchiveToDirectory(fileURL: NSURL, _ destinationDirectoryURL: NSURL)...
Handrolling fakes is a pain. It would be awesome to be able to write: ```swift @AutoFake final class FakeThing: Thing {} ``` and have Swift just... generate the thing for...
In [Python's Mock](https://docs.python.org/3/library/unittest.mock.html), you can configure the `side_effect` property to return an array of values. If you do this, the mock will return those values one after another when called....