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Are conditionals possible?
In Haml, Slim, Slang I'm used to the following.
- if name.size > 10
| You have a long name.
- else
| You're name is average.
Is there anyway to achieve something similar with Ace?
1 doctype html
1 html(lang="en")
2 head
3 title= Title
4 body
5 h1= Title
6 if SessionId == ""
7 p Login
8 p
9 form(method="POST")
10 div Username
11 input(type="text" name="username")
12 div Password
13 input(type="password" name="password")
14 div Secret Key
15 input(type="text" name="key")
16 div
17 input(type="submit" name="submit" value="Login")
18 else
19 p login complete
20 p= SessionId