deep-visualization-toolbox copied to clipboard
Support for more network types.
Hello, I've been working with SSD ( and I would like to visualize the output with your toolkit. Currently I'd be happy with just getting a visualization of the low level activations and the fully convolutional section of the network. However I'm running into an issue in caffevis/ because some of the layers have a 3 dimensional shape. How necessary is this assertion? What changes should be made to support or ignore 3 dimensional operations?
I just meet this problem today.
Here is what i have done for new type:
I know it it not the right way to solve this problem, but for the temporary, I have no time to spend on this problem.
Hope to help you!
Hi @chunxuxiao, would you mind to tell which files are those that you modified? Thank you very much!
@Bardo91 As you can see in the line 116 of the second snapshot the assert will failed, for that the length of blob is not equal to 2 or 4 when "key =conv_4_3_norm_mbox_priorbox (As shown in the first snapshot )", I just common that 'assert' and add line 117, 118 in the py file that caused break down of the running, in another file(the third snapshot ), I add line 253 and 254 in the for loop. I'am not sure if the visualization is ritht, and sorry for forgetting the concretes name of the files, I have graduate in school and not doing that field anymore. Hope that will help you!
@dtmoodie, @chunxuxiao, @Bardo91 I've made the tool substantially more generic: all the hardcoded parts where replaced with new settings parameters, most are deduced automatically by analyzing the network definition file
Latest version is in
@arikpoz I want to know how to use your tool for SSD, just change the deploy prototxt and caffemodel?Thank you!!!