uritemplate copied to clipboard
Incorrect Matches
Hello there,
Thanks for the library. I've been playing with it for around an hour now, trying to see if I can make it work for my use case. I believe I found a case that seems to contradict the specification.
You see, the specification under section 2.3.8 Form-Style Query Expansion: {?var} contains the following examples:
Example Template Expansion
{?who} ?who=fred
{?half} ?half=50%25
{?x,y} ?x=1024&y=768
{?x,y,empty} ?x=1024&y=768&empty=
{?x,y,undef} ?x=1024&y=768
{?var:3} ?var=val
{?list} ?list=red,green,blue
{?list*} ?list=red&list=green&list=blue
{?keys} ?keys=semi,%3B,dot,.,comma,%2C
{?keys*} ?semi=%3B&dot=.&comma=%2C
It appears that {?keys*}
should match any key=value attributes, not just an attribute named key
So, the problem is that this does not work:
link := "https://www.target.com/tracking/1ZY853E7YN84847119?ref=10"
t := tmpl.MustNew("https://www.target.com/tracking/{trackingNumber}{?keys*}")
match := t.Match(link)
if match == nil {
println("Nothing found")
The thing is that I can't get a match when I don't care about the query params. I wish I could specify query params can be empty or can be anything, and I don't care.
Maybe I misunderstood the specification, but otherwise, this is an invalid mismatch.