swift-code-types-navigator copied to clipboard
An experimental project that shows the types defined in a Swift code as expandable bubbles on a canvas.
Hi, I'm trying to get this working for the first time on one of my swift projects, but it crashes when executed. Here's the output: ``` > .build/debug/SwiftDiagramGenerator "~/Development/iOS/MyProject/Classes" Fatal...
Hi Team, I'm getting below error upon running the 'swift build' command from project's root directory _error: terminated(1): /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swift-build-tool -f /Users/utkagraw/Documents/bbbiOS-swiftTools/swift-code-types-navigator/.build/debug.yaml main WKMIN7458617:swift-code-types-navigator utkagraw$ .build/debug/SwiftDiagramGenerator . ~/Documents/bbbiOS_swiftTools/bbbiOS -bash: .build/debug/SwiftDiagramGenerator: No...
After run .build/debug/SwiftDiagramGenerator . ….., some of my swift class will show「Can’t parse file path:XXXXX」and the diagram is not created. Here is my NG sample class: class TestUML: NSObject {...