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Zstandard codec for Node.js and Web, powered by Emscripten

Results 31 zstd-codec issues
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We currently have a setup where we can use different compression algorithms to decompress the data, and most work with some pattern of the following: ```javascript const stream = openStream();...

I have tried with compression level 3 to 8. Version: `"zstd-codec": "^0.1.2"` ![image](https://github.com/yoshihitoh/zstd-codec/assets/101666045/0de54bf3-9370-42ed-9e52-d409d3449832)

I want to compress / decompress in multiple steps, instead of getting all the chunks and then do it at once. * This is not what I want: ```js const...

Hi - I'm pretty new to Javascript so apologies if I'm missing something basic I'm trying to decompress a file & create a new file for the decompressed results. However,...

Bumps [eslint](https://github.com/eslint/eslint) from 6.0.1 to 8.36.0. Release notes Sourced from eslint's releases. v8.36.0 Features c89a485 feat: Add checkJSDoc option to multiline-comment-style (#16807) (Laurent Cozic) f5f5e11 feat: Serialize parsers/processors in flat...


Bumps [jest](https://github.com/facebook/jest/tree/HEAD/packages/jest) from 24.8.0 to 29.5.0. Release notes Sourced from jest's releases. v29.5.0 Features [jest-changed-files] Support Sapling (#13941) [jest-circus, @jest/cli, jest-config] Add feature to randomize order of tests via CLI...


When streaming compression is used, the compressed frame does not include a size, and therefore `ZSTD_getFrameContentSize ` will return `ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN`. Thus, the `new Simple().decompress(buf)` call will fail, because `contentSizeImpl` returns...

Try unpack 6Mb file with 32Kb dictionary CompressionLevel = 18 "zstd-codec": "^0.1.4" ``` OOM zstd-codec-binding-wasm.js:8 abort @ zstd-codec-binding-wasm.js:8 abortOnCannotGrowMemory @ zstd-codec-binding-wasm.js:8 _emscripten_resize_heap @ zstd-codec-binding-wasm.js:8 $_sbrk @ 0025c056:0x9130a $_malloc @ 0025c056:0x81a42...

Bumps [regenerator-runtime](https://github.com/facebook/regenerator) from 0.13.5 to 0.13.11. Commits e4b592a Bump regenerator-runtime patch version to 0.13.11. 2ca572e Bump uglify-js from 3.17.3 to 3.17.4 (#621) f64df74 Bump @​babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs from 7.18.6 to 7.19.6 (#619)...


Bumps [eslint-plugin-jest](https://github.com/jest-community/eslint-plugin-jest) from 22.14.1 to 24.1.10. Release notes Sourced from eslint-plugin-jest's releases. v24.1.10 24.1.10 (2021-03-09) Bug Fixes no-identical-titles: ignore .each template cases (#788) (d27a6e6) v24.1.9 24.1.9 (2021-03-08) Bug Fixes valid-describe:...
