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JSON streaming parser
N o g g i t
Noggit is the world's fastest streaming JSON parser for Java.
- Fast! Measured as the fastest JSON parser on char[], String input.
- Streaming API (StAX/pull-parser like) for both easy and efficient parsing.
- Conforms to JSON standard:
- Conforms to JSON standard:
- Memory efficiency:
- Incremental parsing (Reader-based) in order to handle huge messages.
- A single byte of state needed per nested object or array.
- Doesn't read large objects (including primitives) into memory unless asked.
- Can eliminate most copying, allowing user to provide value output buffers.
- Can handle primitives of any size (does not attempt to parse numerics into a certain language primitive unless asked).
- Simple serialization of objects (List, Map, etc).
- Optional creation of objects (List, Map, etc) when parsing.
Syntax Features (Optional):
- Single-line comments using either # or //
- Multi-line comments using C style /* comments in here */
- Single quoted strings.
- Unquoted object keys. Example: {answer : 42}
- Unquoted string values. Example: {first: Yonik, last: Seeley}
- Allow backslash escaping of any character.
- Allow trailing commas and extra commas. Example: [9,4,3,]
- Handle nbsp (non-break space, \u00a0) as whitespace.
- Optional opening and closing brackets. "a" :"Val1", "b" : "Val2" is equivalent to {"a" :"Val1", "b" : "Val2" }
- Optional comma between objects {"a" :{"b:"c"} "d": {"e":"f"}} or [{"a":"b"}{"c":"d"}] are all valid
- Optional colon between key and value {"a" {"c":"d"}} and {"a" ["b","c"]} are valid