remote-sync icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
remote-sync copied to clipboard

Error: Unable to Exec

Open patrickgilmour opened this issue 9 years ago • 30 comments

I'm receiving an error "Error: Unable to Exec" when trying to upload via SFTP.

remote-sync seems to connect and authenticate okay, then displays the Error: Unable to Exec message in red. The SFTP connection works fine in other clients like Transmit.

Strangely, I also have remote-sync working fine on the same host (WP-Engine) in another account. The settings are very similar.

Is there a way of getting a more detailed error message to try to understand what is going on? Or is this a known issue? DIdn't see reference to it. Thanks!

patrickgilmour avatar May 14 '15 22:05 patrickgilmour

Just out of curiosity, what is your Port #?

kupoback avatar Jun 12 '15 13:06 kupoback

I have the same issue. Also using WP-Engine for hosting... using "port": 2222

If I try to use port 22 I get:

Error: Authentication failure. Available authentication methods: publickey

If I use port 2222 I get (note replace with my WPEngine IP) :

[10:12:36 AM] Connecting: [email protected]:2222
[10:12:39 AM] Upload: /Users/chris/Sites/ to / ...
Error: Unable to exec

To start the upload I right click on the file and choose "Upload file"

Using Atom v.1.0.0 on OSX Yosemite 10.10.3.

  "transport": "scp",
  "hostname": "",
  "port": 2222,
  "username": "username",
  "password": "mypassword",
  "target": "/",
  "ignore": [

chrisjacob avatar Jul 06 '15 00:07 chrisjacob

@chrisjacob it seems that port 22 is the right port. And you should config keyfile path in .remote-sync.json according to your error msg. So Error: Unable to exec means port wrong?

yongkangchen avatar Nov 05 '15 07:11 yongkangchen

Was a fix implemented for this @yongkangchen? Or is it not a bug in the plugin?

I get this error as well although there are no extra error messages. The port is fine as other SFTP clients can connect and I've never used a key file on any of the servers we use.


Deanmv avatar Dec 07 '15 20:12 Deanmv

Same issue; WP-Engine, Using Port 2222; SFTP. Download works; upload leads to the error: "unable to exec"

davidchoy avatar Dec 08 '15 16:12 davidchoy

+1 for the same exact problem on WPEngine, port 2222.

vinniedauer avatar Feb 10 '16 20:02 vinniedauer

Same exact issue with me on 2 WP Engine accounts that I own. When I plug these same settings into my FileZilla client, it works perfectly.

ryanjkelly avatar Mar 07 '16 20:03 ryanjkelly

Same issue with WPEngine on port 2222


dejanstrancar avatar Apr 14 '16 13:04 dejanstrancar

I'm also having this problem but on Rackspace Cloud Sites.

TMcLoone avatar May 26 '16 22:05 TMcLoone

Same problem to connect squarespace developer port. 2030

tuhinbhuiyan avatar Jun 09 '16 12:06 tuhinbhuiyan

Possible fix for this issue mscdex/ssh2#427

elistone avatar Jun 09 '16 12:06 elistone

Also have this problem on Adobe's Business Catalyst

TMcLoone avatar Jun 14 '16 17:06 TMcLoone

Have the same issue on Windows platform using if I try to upload file.

"transport": "scp",

How can I resolve`issue?

Possible fix for this issue mscdex/ssh2#427

what does it mean? Should you release new fixed version? Should you wait until mscdex/ssh2 bug is fixed?

hellboy81 avatar Jun 29 '16 11:06 hellboy81

I have the same issue when trying to upload a file to Squarespace. Port 2030.

It authenticates correctly, but when it begins to upload I receive this error: "Error: Unable to exec"

On the flip side, I'm able to download files with no issues.

ryanleichty avatar Jul 03 '16 02:07 ryanleichty

I just got off phone with WP Engine and they were not able to determine why this is failing on their end.

Does anyone have any other insight here? @patrickgilmour you mentioned that you had the remote-sync working on another WP Engine account - would you be able to provide the example settings (with username/password details removed) here so we could further diagnose?

I am setting up a support ticket with WP Engine about this and any further information would be helpful.

derekcavaliero avatar Jul 29 '16 14:07 derekcavaliero

@derekcavaliero - Sorry! I haven 't used remote-sync for quite some time and don't have the settings file any more.

Should I close this, or leave it open for others?

patrickgilmour avatar Jul 29 '16 14:07 patrickgilmour

+1 for this exact issue. Would love to see a fix.

ck-jrd avatar Aug 02 '16 18:08 ck-jrd

I am having the same issue, but not seeing much by way of support by the authors. No problem: free and all of that.

Does anyone know of an Atom package like this that works?

jessethebuilder avatar Aug 05 '16 19:08 jessethebuilder

Same issue here, port 2222, sftp.

ghost avatar Aug 23 '16 19:08 ghost

Use Webstorm, luke!

hellboy81 avatar Aug 25 '16 07:08 hellboy81

Nothing here still? I am having the exact same issue...

ghost avatar Sep 28 '16 18:09 ghost

Do not use Atom! Use WS!

hellboy81 avatar Oct 05 '16 07:10 hellboy81

what's ws?

jessethebuilder avatar Oct 05 '16 09:10 jessethebuilder


hellboy81 avatar Oct 05 '16 09:10 hellboy81

I also have this issue with WP Engine.. port 2222 SFTP

yanknudtskov avatar Jan 18 '17 12:01 yanknudtskov

@hellboy81 I actually switched from Atom to PHPStorm because of this very issue!

vinniedauer avatar Jan 18 '17 12:01 vinniedauer

I'm having the same issue with port 2222 + Wordpress...

amandakievet avatar Feb 15 '17 17:02 amandakievet

I think it's fairly evident that this won't be fixed by the plugin author any time soon. If you want to keep using Atom, but want remote FTP/SFTP syncing with WP Engine or port 2222, you might want to look into the new Prepros.

ck-jrd avatar Feb 15 '17 18:02 ck-jrd

@v0wels I wish I knew how to close this.

It's been open since May '15. If it hasn't been fixed by then, you're right, it won't be now.

Please stop commenting on this.

nickmak avatar Feb 15 '17 18:02 nickmak

Need fix as well

jason-engage avatar Aug 22 '17 10:08 jason-engage