@Zhongdao 你好,我想问下从链接下载下来的数据集里的labels_with_ids的id好像不全都是连续的,例如prw的最大的两个id分别是483.0 和932.0, 中间缺少一部分id,这样会有问题吗?
@AliKaramiFBK Hi, I have a question. What' s the camera intrinsic to convert disparity to 3D point cloud?
@AliKaramiFBK Thank you very much! I also want to konw if all images have the same camera intrinsic? It would be nice if you can give the online website you...
@AliKaramiFBK yearh, as for cre_stereo dataset, I don't konw if all images have the same camera intrinsic that you mentioned above?
@AliKaramiFBK Okay, thank you for your nice reply.
hi, hahnyuan @hahnyuan I want to convert the LPRnet to caffe model, the LPRnet comes from here: https://github.com/sirius-ai/LPRNet_Pytorch/blob/master/model/LPRNet.py. But I suffer the below problem, I want to know what's the...
hi, hahnyuan @hahnyuan , and now I suffer another problem. And the problem is that I use different stride=(1, 2) in max pooling layer, which is not support in pytorch2caffe:...
@RogerChern I meet the same problems too, how to solve it?
@derronqi same question
@zihanding819 Thanks for your nice work! Are you still considering release the code of the pipeline to generate ground truth?