MultiSlider copied to clipboard
centerThumbOnTrackEnd(true) makes thumbTouchExpansionRadius unreliable
If centerThumbOnTrackEnd is set to true and thumbImage is set, the thumb is not fully clickable. The outer most parts of the thumb (left side on the left thumb and right side on the right thumb) cannot be dragged.
MultiValueSlider(value: ratingProxy, minimumValue: 0, maximumValue: 4 ) .orientation(.horizontal) .outerTrackColor(.lightGray) .trackWidth(5) .snapValues([0,1,2,3,4]) .centerThumbOnTrackEnd(false) .showsThumbImageShadow(false) .thumbImage(UIImage(systemName: "circle.fill")?.resized(to: CGSize(width: 40, height: 40)).withTintColor(.ranking)) .thumbTouchExpansionRadius(100) .tint(Color(.ranking)) .frame(height: 50) .padding(.horizontal, 40) .opacity(filters.visited == false ? 0.4 : 1)