camera-controls copied to clipboard
Dolly to Cursor and focalOffset
Describe the bug
Hi. thanks for this library. It helps a lot but i cant solve one problem. I have OrthographicCamera and dollyToCursor working well but when i setOrbitPoint manually ( i want rotation around my part on scene) or make a movement with offset => after that when zooming with dollyToCursor it jumps by some delta. Video attached.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Set orbit point
- Make dolly to cursor
- See that it jumps by some delta
this is creation of camera
const createOrthographicCamera = (name: string, position: Vector3, lookAt: Vector3) => {
const camera = new OrthographicCamera(-aWidth, aWidth, aHeight, -aHeight, -10000, 10000);
camera.lookAt(lookAt); = name;
camera.zoom = 0.33
return camera;
i set orbitPoint with help of this
cameraControls.setOrbitPoint(selectedPart.position.x, selectedPart.position.y, selectedPart.position.z)
this is creation of cameraControls
this.mCameraControls = new CameraControls(camera,renderer.domElement);
this.mCameraControls.smoothTime = 0.15;
this.mCameraControls.minDistance = 1;
this.mCameraControls.maxDistance = 100000;
this.mCameraControls.minZoom = 1e-5;
this.mCameraControls.maxZoom = 1e5;
this.mCameraControls.dollyToCursor = true;
this.mCameraControls.maxPolarAngle = Math.PI;
this.mCameraControls.mouseButtons.right = CameraControls.ACTION.ROTATE
this.mCameraControls.mouseButtons.left = CameraControls.ACTION.NONE
this.mCameraControls.mouseButtons.middle = CameraControls.ACTION.TRUCK
this.mCameraControls.mouseButtons.wheel = CameraControls.ACTION.ZOOM
Live example
No response
Expected behavior
dolly to cursor dollies exactly to mouse location
Screenshots or Video
Thanks for using camera-controls. I think it's because setOrbitPoint calls setFocalOffset internally, and focalOffset causes many problems, like
TBH, I would like to remove focalOffset
and related features such as setOrbitPoint
, but still available for backward compat😢
The best solution is, to avoid using setFocalOffset...
But in your examples setOrbitPoint with dollyToCursor is working well. Maybe it is because of using Perspective camera(your examples) instead of Orthographic(in my app)?
setOrbitPoint with dollyToCursor
Come to think of it, that's right. Would you mind providing a simplified working demo using codesanbox or so to just reproduce your problem?
will break dollyToCursor = true
I had the same problem with my project. I solved it by recalculating the target for the controller with every mouse-up event (after every rotation with changing the orbitPoint). I scale the look vector of the camera with the radius of the spherical in the control and then move the new target with moveTo. Similar to the fitToSphere
const spherical = new THREE.Spherical(0, 0, 0);
const vTempA = new THREE.Vector3();
const vTempB = new THREE.Vector3();
container.addEventListener('mouseup', (evt) => {
if(event.which === 3 ){
if (controls._camera.isOrthographicCamera) {
controls.getSpherical(spherical); //Get sperical who is used to calculate the camera position in the update loop
vTempA.set(controls._camera.position.x, controls._camera.position.y, controls._camera.position.z); //Get camera position
vTempB.set(0, 0, -1).applyQuaternion(controls._camera.quaternion); //Get the look vector from the camera
vTempB.multiplyScalar(spherical.radius); //scale the look vector
vTempB.add(vTempA); // add the camera position to get the new target position
controls.setFocalOffset(0, 0, 0, false).then();
controls.moveTo(vTempB.x, vTempB.y, vTempB.z, false).then(); //Move the new target to the position
} else {
controls.setOrbitPoint(0, 0, 0, false);
I haven't checked the other functions of the controller to see if they still work, as that was the most important thing for me that time.
#yomotsu Do you see any possible problems with the code?
Getting focalOffset working so we could use set orbitpoint without side effects would be very nice. Atm user in my app need to use ALT+ mouse click to set orbit point. (I then use controller.setTarget(x, y, z, true), so it centers it) But I notice som users coming fram navisworks really do not like it.
Been a while since I tested, but doing reset on some actions might work.. think it was mainly when using AWSD keys I got some weird jumping, maybe dolly to cursor too.
Think I will give it a new try this week 😄