Guillaume Pellerin
Guillaume Pellerin
Great! Thanks @faroit for this benchmark!
Hi @count00zero, Thanks for the kind words :) and sorry for the delay. This would be definitely a cool feature we could try to implement without breaking the "lightness", using...
Hi! It could be indeed very interesting to use getUserMedia to stream video to stream-m. But I'm sceptic about the capability of even recent browsers to encode the video in...
Thanks Ivan for these infos. I'll try to hack this ;)
Done through better task management
Hi @NexiaMoe this has finally been fixed in 1.1
No pb in the last 1.2 version using aubio 0.4.9
finalized in a186a66f
I would first check the consistency of the mp3 files with a tool like mp3check.
Hi @drhitchcockco Good idea, I will add this feature.