Yohan Poirier-Ginter
Yohan Poirier-Ginter
In the code for the diversity sensitive loss: ``` # diversity sensitive loss if z_trgs is not None: s_trg2 = nets.mapping_network(z_trg2, y_trg) else: s_trg2 = nets.style_encoder(x_ref2, y_trg) x_fake2 = nets.generator(x_real,...
Hello, The training outputs the model flops utilization (MFU), which is quite low on my card (like 7-8%). Does anyone know what score is to be expected? I don't have...
This does not seem like the intended behavior? If it is, maybe consider adding a second count for non-traininable params
When opening a connection with`init_process_group` from a local (Mac) host a remote (Ubuntu) host, I get the following error on the remote host, which closes the connection: `RuntimeError: [/pytorch/third_party/gloo/gloo/transport/tcp/pair.cc:210] address...
In regular expression globbing (or even in regular globbing), it would be nice if we could access the Match object (https://docs.python.org/3/library/re.html#match-objects) corresponding to each resulting match. For example, replacing this:...
Hello, Thanks for sharing your code :) I'm interested in trying your method my own data, any ETA on when the final scripts will be released? Thanks!