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[WIP] Hand of god - Fully writen from zero
No, i am not just taking ancient HoG code and showing it as a new gamemode. All gamemode code will be fully writen by me, and from original gamemode it takes only it's idea and some sprites.
What the fucck
There are some cult teams. One team(3 cultists and 1 god) per 16 people. Different teams get different colors. Every cultists needs to serve it's god, and every god needs to break free into mortal dimension to win. Gods play in a RTS style, where they need to summon structures and make upgrades for cult equipment, and cultist play in a... well... standart cult gameplay with some RPG mechanics.
Every god can construct various structures to guide it's cult in battle. They can be placed mostly on cult titles, or in nexus/shrine range(see further). Also god can interact structures by buffing them, or setting them into different modes.
Nexus - so, it is the main cult structure. God needs to place it before doing shit. It generates and stores cult energy. The god can recall everyone to it one time in the game. If it dies, it drops a nexus crystal, that can be sacrificed to boost another cult energy regeneration and maximum energy.
Conversion altar - place there a human with a soul, and gain a brainwashed cultist with for a small amount of cult energy.
Sacrificement altar - place there a human with a soul to sacrifice him. He will loose his sould, 20 max hp, and he will be deconverted from bloodcult/hog cult/clockcult and sent to Brazil. You will get a small pernament energy regeneration buff, maximum energy buff, and some cult energy.
Shrine - it can be placed once per area. It stores and generates energy while not destroyed, and allows to construct structures near it. It can be constructed even if not in the nexus range, but needs to be placed on a cult title.
Gate - cultists can globaly talk with eachother with it, and teleport to other gates. Can be disabled by the cult's god.
Celestial workshop - can make cult shields, cult swords and cult robes. Costs energy to use. Can be disabled by it's god.
Celestial forge - contains upgrades for cult weapons, armor and books, that can be researched by it's god.
Library - can make cult books from paper, and research advanced spells.
Fountain - produces godblood, that heals cultists, purges holy water, deconverts enemy cultists and deals them some stamina damage. Damages a bit everyone else.
Cult book
It is a empower rune + clockwork slab + stunbatton + welder + handcuffs.
It can prepare spells for it's owner. Also it can do many things on hit.
Help intent - transfers energy to allies or allied structures. Can convert structures into their cult version.
Harm intent - 13 damage to enemies.
Disarm - knocks target unconsinous if it has more then 80 stamina damage, otherwise it deals 46 stamina damage, mutes, and deals 46 stamina damage again after 2 seconds. Needs to be charged to do that. If the target is an enemy cultist, mindshielded or book doesn't have charge it works like on harm intent.
Grab intent - handcuffs the target if you have energy. Not to be confused with book charge.
You can break lights, convert objects in range into cult versions, emag open doors, call shuttle, delay shuttle arival, temporary disable APC's, purge holy water from cultists, recall one cultist to the nexus per 7 minutes, mass recall, prepare spells for cultists, shield structures(temporary increase their armor), overcharge structures(if it is a prismatic lance it temporary gains x2 firing speed, if not - it temporary gains a prismatic lance weapon), AND MAKE MANY OTHER SHIT FUCK I AM SO TIRED OF WRITING THIS TEXT(Everything for energy cost!!!!!!!!).
Break free
To do this you need to:
- Complete your cult objective(one of: sacrifice X people, convert X people, have X shrines)
- Sacrifice a nexus crystal from other god's grave.
If your god trigers this... it will be the time for your last stand. All cultists start glowing with their cult color, GAMMA SECURITY CODE FUCK FUCK FUCK, and there will be an announcement about your nexus location, so expect all enemy cultists and station crew rushing your base. After 8 minutes your god will spawn. He... well... can gib people, instantly convert people and convert objects. He has 10000 HP, so he is very strong. But not immortal! Other gods deal bonus damage to him, and enemy cult weapons also deal more damage to him. But if your god manages to break free and survive - you all greentext
EMP's damage structures, damage shields, drain energy from culties.
Nullrod can pry open cult doors and ALSO drain energy from cultists.
Haha funny gygax goes brrrrr.
Just wait untill cults cill eachother.
Explode the station nuke and die in a glorious death with your cult enemies.
(Holywater deconverts cultists)
Why it is cool
Make an allience with station security to kill other cultists.
Make a cool stronghold, and laugh as enemy attacks die in holy fire.
Rush enemy bases with your prismatic lances and burn their structures down.
Get a maxcap to your nexus and die in a horrible death.
Wiki Documentation
Document this shit lol.
wip: New HoG gamemode
If you plan on making a gamemode, maybe take the time to learn how to use visual studio code so you can actually test compiling instead of doing everything in web edits. Like holy shit how did you do 250 web edits in another PR.
If you plan on making a gamemode, maybe take the time to learn how to use visual studio code so you can actually test compiling instead of doing everything in web edits. Like holy shit how did you do 250 web edits in another PR.
I mean, in the end we can have this doofus just squash it all down into a one or two commits, if you're worried about polluting the commit history with garbage.
Doing everything from webedit is absolutely bonkers but there's strictly nothing stopping our devs from doing that.
EMP's damage structures, damage shields, drain energy from culties.
what stops a man from spamming emp reaction?
If you plan on making a gamemode, maybe take the time to learn how to use visual studio code so you can actually test compiling instead of doing everything in web edits. Like holy shit how did you do 250 web edits in another PR.
I know how to use code editors, but I don't have a stable PC access so i can't use them. So I don't have any alternatives.
what stops a man from spamming emp reaction?
Getting shredded with a sword
Hand of Science
I'm impressed, this seems like a very well made gamemode. can't wait to play it!!
Hope i will not fuck up with teams and antag datum
absolute chad webediting a gamemode
I just realized, what are people who aren't part of the cults meant to DO in this mode?
I just realized, what are people who aren't part of the cults meant to DO in this mode?
Uhhhh, fight them?
reduce cult book damage 13 to strong
- Cut fucking away all content that doesn't have an icon from old HoG icons or can't reuse already existing sprites
- Replace some input thingies with radial menu's
Conflicts + we don't believe the gamemode fits in with the current desired player interactions, sorry.