kafka-protobuf-console-consumer copied to clipboard
kafka-protobuf-console-consumer reads protobuf encoded messages from a kafka topic and prints its decoded JSON to console.
This utility can be useful when you want to quickly look into the protobuf messages of a topic or dlq. It works over the proto source file and don't need you to compile it using protoc.
Current version 3.0.0
For other than OS X, please clone the repo and follow Build from source section
To install on OS X
brew tap yogeshsr/homebrew-tap
brew install kafka-protobuf-console-consumer
To upgrade
brew update
brew upgrade kafka-protobuf-console-consumer
$ kafka-protobuf-console-consumer -t topic_name -b broker1:port broker2:port \
--proto-dir /proto-folder-path proto --file sample.proto \
--message sample_package.SampleMessage
$ kafka-protobuf-console-consumer --help
usage: kafka-protobuf-console-consumer [<flags>]
-v, --version Version
-d, --debug Enable Sarama logs
-b, --broker-list=localhost:9092 ...
List of brokers to connect
-c, --consumer-group=CONSUMER-GROUP
Consumer group to use
-t, --topic=TOPIC Topic name
--proto-dir=PROTO-DIR ... /foo/dir1 /bar/dir2 (add all dirs used by imports)
--file=FILE will be baz/a.proto that's in /foo/dir1/baz/a.proto
--message=MESSAGE Proto message name
--from-beginning Read from beginning
--pretty Format output
--with-separator Adds separator between messages. Useful with --pretty
Build from source
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/yogeshsr/
$ git clone https://github.com/yogeshsr/kafka-protobuf-console-consumer.git
$ cd kafka-protobuf-console-consumer
$ glide install
$ GO111MODULE=on go build -o ./kafka-protobuf-console-consumer main.go
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