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Feature - Cent and template collector for Nuclei

Open d4op opened this issue 11 months ago • 4 comments

this tool is awesome for collecting nuclei templates. after collecting all templates its good to run nuclei validate for removeing bad templates.

i saw rengine got a custom upload for nuclie templates. after pumping all cent templates in the web ui looked a bit messed up on the custom tempalte overview page. maybe here can be a better solutions.

but integration this tool or feautre like this would be greate for getting more usefull templates for CVES and other stuff.

i noticed that the current version of rengine stops nuclei scans on some points using all custom templates and the scan exits, i dont see right now whats the exact error but will debug.

hope your 2.0 is going well.

d4op avatar Sep 28 '23 18:09 d4op

👋 Hi @d4op, Issues is only for reporting a bug/feature request. Please read documentation before raising an issue For very limited support, questions, and discussions, please join reNgine Discord channel: Please include all the requested and relevant information when opening a bug report. Improper reports will be closed without any response.

github-actions[bot] avatar Sep 28 '23 18:09 github-actions[bot]


btw here are some errors i said before. because of other templates for nuclei, maybe nuclei valdiate task will remove these ones, didnt check till now.

d4op avatar Sep 29 '23 12:09 d4op

Some other potential candidates for collectors of Nuclei templates:


AnonymousWP avatar Sep 29 '23 13:09 AnonymousWP

Really good feature to implement !

psyray avatar Nov 18 '23 18:11 psyray