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I would love to see OpenVAS in combination with reNgine. Nuclei is used to look for web vulns, OpenVAS will find network related vulns.
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I would also love to see this.
I love this too .
Now Nuclei comes really far in scanning (port scan etc ...) reNgine is more a Web solution than a network solution. OpenVAS has an already fully packaged VM that could fit to your needs. So, except if someone would like to implement this feature, I don't think OpenVAS integration would be a good idea. @yogeshojha Your advice ?
I think reNgine's adaptability wouldn't get better from integrating OpenVAS, as it requires more maintenance as well. This is more complicated than with most other scanning tools built into reNgine. Also, like you said, Nuclei is getting better and better and more advanced.