Yogesh Galav
Yogesh Galav
The folder explorer does open when clicking outside the button, But on button click it does not open only submit event is fired as I'm using disable upload. Also area...
## Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe When disabled text is not much visible due to its grey color. ## Describe the solution you'd like Change...
Got this error when importing component directly from package like this-> import VueTelInput from 'vue-tel-input'; Solved this error by using this syntax-> import {VueTelInput} from 'vue-tel-input';
I'm returning a valid inertia response from controller. public function getStartedPage() { if(Auth::check()){ return redirect('/'); } return inertia('auth/get-started'); } And on local machine its working fine, but on production on...
The date 25 January 2024, is shown as Friday in week view when prop :startWeekOnSunday="true". ``` {{ heading.date.getDate() }} ({{ heading.label }}) ```
### Clear and concise description of the problem When migrating from bootstrap-vue to bootstrap-vue-next, one of the major problem which leads to major code change is "BInput" component not present,...
Css issue. Clear button icon is not relative to right border. Also not vertically center. https://github.com/shubhadip/vuejs3-datepicker/assets/26108890/b81dc147-c6ef-400c-937e-50590a7e075e
The input tag of component will now inherit html attributes like id, name etc.
The main div of component should inherit html attributes like id, name etc. Ideally it should also have an input field element instead of div to show input content. On...
The README.md file points to css file version 5.1.0, "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/KaTeX/0.5.1/katex.min.css" The above version has little less line height issue, if any higher version is used like 0.16.4 it breaks css...