
Results 97 issues of contra

This is totally not the right place for this, but I think it would be extremely cool to be able to use this with preprocessors. I'm not sure if browserify...

writing shit to the HD first is slow and error prone

`error An unexpected error occurred: " Request failed \"404 Not Found\"".` NPM is saying the latest available version is 1.8.1 from 3 years ago, but also shows this as of...

components should pass through their style properties so they can be used with higher order components like react-dimensions, or just doing custom styling.

The 12.1.0 container is EOL ( and will be deleted soon. This is printed on boot: ``` 2024-04-17T06:32:00.716216802Z ************************* 2024-04-17T06:32:00.716263593Z ** DEPRECATION NOTICE! ** 2024-04-17T06:32:00.716538501Z ************************* 2024-04-17T06:32:00.716629960Z THIS IMAGE IS...

- Updates dependencies - Fixes lint errors - Updates test matrix, drops node 10 support because dependency `geojson-geometries-lookup` did Tests don't pass - doesn't look like they ever worked? The...

accepted inputs should be: - webm - gif - mp4 transcoding should be done to: - webm - gif - mp4 when a client requests an image they can specify...

this will power the client's ability to downgrade UX based on # of ppl online

Included in this PR: - Partition content, pin, and upload tables by cid into 100 partitions each (using hash partitioning) - This should radically speed up reads, writes, vacuums, and...

``` OpenCV Error: Null pointer (Hidden cascade has not been created. Use cvSetImagesForHaarClassifierCascade) in cvRunHaarClassifierCascadeSum, file /tmp/opencv-pKns/OpenCV-2.4.2/modules/objdetect/src/haar.cpp, line 671 libc++abi.dylib: terminate called throwing an exception Abort trap: 6 ``` I...
