locust-grafana copied to clipboard + Grafana + grafana
A basic demo showing integration between and grafana, with statsd as a metrics collector and InfluxDB as the DB backend.
I recommend that you install docker-compose since it will get you setup in no time. Once docker-compose is installed you can launch the project with:
cp docker-compose.yml.dist docker-compose.yml
docker-compose run --rm --service-ports locust --host=
NOTE: You might need to change the value of the INFLUXDB_HOST environment variable for the locust service in the docker-compose.yml file.
Depending on your hardware resources you might need to fire the docker-compose
command twice since it takes a while to steup grafana and InfluxDB for the first time. Just hit Ctrl+C and relaunch the command and you should be good to go (I intended to fix this by adding an exponential backoff check on influxdb/grafana endpoints rediability).
And visit the usual locust web interface at http://localhost:8089
Grafana is accesible through http://localhost:3000 with user admin and password admin. Once logged in you will find a Locust Dashboard with graphs reporting Average Response Time and number of requests by response code [200, 400, 403, 404, 500, 503].
Any locust command line argument should work with the docker-compose run command so in theory you could use this project to create a master/slave setup. I plan to test this feature whenever I get a chance ;)