Yusuke Nunokawa
Yusuke Nunokawa
@jgravois Thank you, I hope it too.
http://www.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=... - dash line symbol - f513043bcc30414eb35d1c9d128193bb - Feature Collection (Polygon) without featureSet in WebMap JSON - 546e94ac62674154a11615250e9a9fb6 - Feature Collection (Polyline) without featureSet in WebMap JSON - 49e2793251a946ec9d146a9dd57ef0a0 -...
> esri-leaflet-renderers is able to interpret drawingInfo passed in the object constructor and skip fetching information about symbology from the service itself entirely? I have updated to rewrite `drawingInfo` from...
it does not cause this issue? not a geometry type but ajax to get a data? https://github.com/ynunokawa/L.esri.WebMap/blob/master/src/FeatureCollection/FeatureCollection.js#L35-L44
I found an additional issue related to this issue. - ?webmap=a7c6c7d0348f45bebd78e5cdb644a17b this layer named 'path' has no `featureCollection` property and we should get `featureCollection` from a portal using `itemId`. we...
> I got an error massage as the below. > Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'call' of undefined [Map.js:1] This issue is solved by removing `renderer` property of `FeatureCollection` or...
It should have some symbol for another values or have no symbol.