picon icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
picon copied to clipboard

Hackable Ligature Pico icoN set

The Pico-icon set


Download | Icon finder | Flags color demo | Editor

  • ~900 libre icons released as ligatured Font, SVG, PNG, and JSON icomoon project, compare
  • Hackable: Update or remove any svg, then simply rebuild with make all! You can also use Icomoon (can't handle coloring).
  • Lightweight: Average SVGs are 5x lighter than Fontawesome, source
  • Designed on a 8-grid: to be readable at 8px 16px 24px 32px 48px ... demo
  • Thousand of icon composition possible
  • CDN backed via unpkg.com and jsdelivr.net
  • Multicolor support ! Example


Tips: replace solid with the iconset you want (ex: flags)

<!-- SVG: for casual usage -->
<img src="//unpkg.com/picon/solid/app.svg" alt="app">

<!-- Sprites: for massive usage -->
<svg><use xlink:href="//unpkg.com/picon/solid.svg#app"></use></svg>

<!-- Font: for ligature junky -->
@font-face {
  src: url(https://unpkg.com/picon);
  font-family: picon;
.picon { font-family: picon; }

<span class=picon>app</span>

Tips: Always use a versioned CDN url (ex: https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/solid/...) for production

Mardown Integration

If you don't need the ~~strikeout~~ mardown feature you can create a rule to show striked text as icons:

del, s {
	text-decoration: none;

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To stay lightweight, Picon does not provide any composed icons like call-in, call-out, call-forward.

Following the previous Mardown <del> example, you can compose using:

del {
	font-family: picon;
	word-spacing: -2em; /* Same size overlay */
	text-decoration: none; /* un-strike */
	text-shadow:/* white halo */
	-1px -1px 0 white,
	-1px -0px 0 white,
	-1px  1px 0 white,
	-0px -1px 0 white,
	-0px -0px 0 white,
	-0px  1px 0 white,
	 1px -1px 0 white,
	 1px -0px 0 white,
	 1px  1px 0 white;
	font-size: .5em; /* twice smaller */
	margin-left: -1em; /* right side*/

Note: replace del with s or .picon according to your Mardown processor

you can now associate any parent with any child icon:

<del>microphone not</del>

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HTML text element

As opposed to SVG, ligatured font can be used in text-only elements (<option>, <input> ...):

<input type=reset class=picon value=cross>

	<optgroup label=iconless>
	<optgroup class=picon label="wifi0">

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Font can react from states and attributes.

For example it can automatically display the corresponding language icon to a <pre> element:

<pre lang=js>
function example(){
	return 0;

	font-family: picon;
	content: attr(lang);
	float: right;

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It can also help to unify browser style for input typefile/checkbox/radio:

<input type=file data-before=file style=width:1em>
<input type=checkbox data-before=ballot data-before-checked=checked style=appearance:none>
<input type=radio data-before=false data-before-checked=true style=appearance:none>
	font-family: picon;
	content: attr(data-before);
	font-family: picon;
	content: attr(data-before-checked);

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Color gradient

	background: linear-gradient(
	#5eb544 00.0% 37.5%,
	#f5b226 37.5% 50.0%,
	#ed7e1e 50.0% 62.5%,
	#d9383c 62.5% 75.0%,
	#913b92 75.0% 87.5%,
	#0098d5 87.5% 100%);
	-webkit-background-clip: text;
	-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
<input type=search class="picon rainbow">

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Add a hourglass spinner to any disabled button

@font-face {
  src: url(https://unpkg.com/picon);
  font-family: picon;
@keyframes hourglass {
	font-family: picon;
	content: 'hourglass1';
	animation: hourglass 1s infinite;
<button onclick="disabled=true">Upload</button>

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Note: ::before and ::after pseudo-element only work on HTML elements that accept children (<input> with type set to text,button)