YHHeadScrollView copied to clipboard
The code to make this jpg is in the ExampleProject/
The simplest way to use YHHeadScrollView in your application is with CocoaPods. See the "Getting Started" guide for more information.
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod "YHHeadScrollView", "~> 1.0.2"
You could instead clone the project and copy the YHHeadScrollView/YHHeadScrollView.{h,swift} files into your project.
Both OC&Swift Tips:
If YHHeadScrollView's superView is scrollView/tableView/collectionView.You must let YHHeadScrollView's superView.delaysContentTouches = false/NO.
####Objective-C You Must Notice Follow Tips:
- If your project is buid by objective-c ,you must new a file by named "yourobjectName-Bridging-Header.h"
- And then copy the file Path of "yourobjectName-Bridging-Header.h" to your targert's Build Settings -> Objective-C Bridging Header
- At last add "#import "yourobjectName-Swift.h"" into the file of you use, and you can init like the follow code
- (void)viewDidLoad{
[super viewDidLoad];
YHHeadScrollView *topImgView = [[YHHeadScrollView alloc]init];
topImgView.imageUrlStrArr = @[@"http://pic33.nipic.com/20130928/4420504_005335593000_2.jpg",@"http://pic.58pic.com/58pic/13/43/94/88258PICeV4_1024.jpg",@"http://pic26.nipic.com/20130127/9391931_094607395166_2.jpg"];
topImgView.placeImageStr = @"placeImageStr"
topImgView.timeScrollInterval = 3
topImgView.yHHeadScrollViewClosure = ^(NSInteger dataTag){
//call on the Correspondence's View be touch
[self.view addSubview:topImgView];
####Swift On The Swift,If you have a tableView, You can do like this
func loadSubViews(){
self.tableView?.tableHeaderView = self.tableViewHeadView
lazy var tableViewHeadView:YHHeadScrollView? = {
let tableViewHeadView = YHHeadScrollView.init(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.width, 150))
tableViewHeadView.imageUrlStrArr = ["http://pic33.nipic.com/20130928/4420504_005335593000_2.jpg","http://pic.58pic.com/58pic/13/43/94/88258PICeV4_1024.jpg","http://pic26.nipic.com/20130127/9391931_094607395166_2.jpg","http://pic61.nipic.com/file/20150311/20613793_172336144198_2.png","http://pic.58pic.com/10/20/29/99bOOOPIC77.jpg","http://pic15.nipic.com/20110630/6322714_105943746342_2.jpg","http://pic26.nipic.com/20130127/9391931_094607395166_2.jpg"]
tableViewHeadView.placeImageStr = "placeImageStr"
tableViewHeadView.timeScrollInterval = 3
tableViewHeadView.yHHeadScrollViewClosure = {(dataTag) in
//call on the Correspondence's View be touch
return tableViewHeadView
###Requrid ####imageUrlStrArr:
The images urlStrs array.
- If imageUrlStrArr.count = 0,there is a default imageView that can't touch full of view.
- If imageUrlStrArr.count = 1,there is only a imageView full of view that can touch.
- If imageUrlStrArr.count = 2,it will scroll like the demo gif,but a same imageView will be copyed automatic to imageUrlStrArr to reach 3 counts.
- If imageUrlStrArr.count >=3,it will scroll like the demo gif
You must give a imageName of your bundle, It will be used when the imageUrl if useless
###Optonal ####timeScrollInterval: --defalut:2
Interval of the imageViews Scroll,defalut time is 2 seconds
####yHHeadScrollViewClosure(Nsinteger dataTag):
The closure of imageView touchEvent,it retrun dataTag,so you know witch imageView be touched.
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It's so friendly,Right? So if you has everything doubt,Please contact me,and don't forgert star if you like