
Results 87 comments of yllekz

I can't connect to my Win10 system via VLC due to turning off SMB1. What's the update on this? SMB1 is insecure.

I have no desire to re-enable it. I disabled it myself. As I stated, smbv1 is insecure and newer versions need to be properly supported. Enabling a security hole is...

I know that, and understood, but please do not suggest an insecure solution. I simply am asking if there is a fix. Your second paragraph satisfies my query which is...

@ko-lem do you have that forked container published anywhere? I'm looking for a good youtube-dl webui container to use myself.

I got this same issue. It seems that the container does not work unless you explicitly go to If you host this container on a network and browse to...

This project/app/repo seems to be dead/inactive unfortunately. Not sure what's going on. If it helps, this is my docker-compose which works on a Pi (assuming you have a directly-attached Pi...

Oh, interesting. Will there be an update to the current app or is there an entirely new Docker container coming out?

I caught my kerberos instance also talking to hades.kerberos.io today when my camera is never intended to reach out to the internet. Can a further explanation be provided as to...

Hello, I'm not sure how to do that honestly.

So the weirdest thing happened today...now I'm able to install it just fine and I'm not sure what I did differently to suddenly make it work. Strange that it didn't...