Kethan sai
Kethan sai
Note: Reproduction steps from ``` ~/.amplify/bin/amplify init --yes echo '{"version":2,"resourceName":"jan22","serviceConfiguration":{"serviceName":"Cognito","includeIdentityPool":true,"identityPoolConfiguration":{"identityPoolName":"testAuthIdentityPool","unauthenticatedLogin":false},"userPoolConfiguration":{"userPoolName":"jan22","signinMethod":"EMAIL","requiredSignupAttributes":[],"userPoolGroups":[],"mfa":{"mode":"OFF"},"passwordPolicy":{"minimumLength":8,"additionalConstraints":["REQUIRE_LOWERCASE","REQUIRE_DIGIT","REQUIRE_SYMBOL","REQUIRE_UPPERCASE"]},"autoVerifiedAttributes":[{"type":"EMAIL","verificationSubject":"Verification code: {####}","verificationMessage":"Verification code: {####}"}],"oAuth":{"domainPrefix":"gnardcpta3i9","redirectSigninURIs":["http://localhost:3000/"],"redirectSignoutURIs":["http://localhost:3000/"],"oAuthGrantType":"CODE","oAuthScopes":["PHONE","EMAIL","OPENID","PROFILE","AWS.COGNITO.SIGNIN.USER.ADMIN"],"socialProviderConfigurations":[{"provider":"SIGN_IN_WITH_APPLE","clientId":"***","teamId":"***","keyId":"***","privateKey":"***"}]}}}}' | ~/.amplify/bin/amplify add auth --headless ~/.amplify/bin/amplify push --yes ```
Marking as bug due to stack trace.
similar error message will occur on `amplify add analytics ` with an imported auth resource. ``` ConfigurationError: The imported auth config is not compatible with the specified analytics config at...
Hello @jwoehrle, Thank you for reaching out. I was able to reproduce the issue by manually setting the following in my backend-config.json and pushing to git. ```json "custom": { "customTest":...
Hey @jwoehrle, throwing a error message in this behaviour would be useful. Would you be open to contributing to our Amplify CLI repository by creating a PR. The team would...
Hey @iShavgula-TacTill, thank you for reaching out and providing information on the tests done. Marking this as bug.
Hey, ๐ thanks for raising this! I'm going to transfer this over to our UI repository for better assistance ๐.
Hey @pixeled ๐ thanks for raising this!, it appears the codegen command maybe failing on the pull. I'm going to transfer this over to our codegen repository for better assistance...
Closing the issue due to inactivity. Do reach out to us if you are still experiencing this issue
Closing the issue due to inactivity. Do reach out to us if you are still experiencing this issue