Jianhua Yang
Jianhua Yang
@ElonZhou99 Not as good as in the paper? From the results reported in this project, my YOWO is better than the official YOWO. I am a little confused about your...
@ElonZhou99 That's OK. On the UCF101-24, I train YOWO and YOWO-Nano with only 5 epochs, so I think epoch=4 is enough.
@ElonZhou99 Hi ! Dear friend, I train my YOWO on UCF101-24 with 1 epoch, and then I evaluate it on UCF101-24. The mAP results are follows. ```Shell AP: 75.67% (1)...
@ElonZhou99 I agree with you. No pretrained weight of 2D or 3D backbones might be the major reason. I recommend you load the pretrained weight of the 3D backbone since...
It is because that my all anchor boxes have been divided by 32(the largest stride). Therefore, before computing IoU, I have to divide the groundtruth box by 32. Even though...
Yes. In my configuration, there are 9 anchor boxes where the first three anchor boxes correspond to stride=8, the middle three ones correspond to stride=16, and the last three ones...
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@SNM511 非常感谢你的建议。目前,我已经把所有权重文件都上传到git release上了,并且在README给了下载链接,国内外均可下载。