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Object Detection Laboratory

This project is my library of One-stage Object Detection. My code is clean and concise, without too deep encapsulation, so it is easy to understand the function of each module.

For example,

  • If you want to know how to pull data from COCO, you just open dataset/
  • If you want to know how to build RetinaNet, you just open models/detector/retinanet/ and config/
  • If you want to know how to build FPN, you just open models/neck/
  • If you want to know the whole pipeline of training, you just open
  • If you want to know the whole pipeline of evaluation, you just open and evaluator/
  • If you want to know how to visualize the detection results on detection benchmark like COCO or VOC, you just open
  • If you want to know how to run a demo with images or videos on your own device, you just open
  • If you want to know how to run a demo with your own camero, you just also open

So, it is very friendly, right?

I am sure you will soon become familiar with this benchmark and add your own modules to it.

However, limited by my computing resources, I cannot use larger backbone networks like ResNet-101 and ResNeXt-101 to train more powerful detectors. If you have sufficient computing resources and are already using these larger backbone networks to train the detectors in this benchmark, I look forward to your open source weight files to complement this project. Thanks a lot.

Coming soon

  • [x] YOLOF
  • [x] RetinaNet
  • [x] FCOS


  • We recommend you to use Anaconda to create a conda environment:
conda create -n detection python=3.6
  • Then, activate the environment:
conda activate detection
  • Requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt 

We suggest that PyTorch should be higher than 1.9.0 and Torchvision should be higher than 0.10.3. At least, please make sure your torch is version 1.x.

Main results on COCO-val


Model scale mAP Weight
YOLOF_R_18_C5_1x 800,1333 31.6 github
YOLOF_R_50_C5_1x 800,1333 37.6 github
YOLOF-RT_R_50_DC5_3x 640,640 38.1 github


Model scale mAP Weight
RetinaNet_R_18_1x 800,1333 29.3 github
RetinaNet_R_50_1x 800,1333 35.8 github
RetinaNet-RT_R_50_3x 512,736 32.0 github

In my RetinaNet:

  • For regression head, GIoU Loss is deployed rather than SmoothL1Loss


Model scale mAP Weight
FCOS_R_18_1x 800,1333 31.3 github
FCOS_R_50_1x 800,1333 37.6 github
FCOS-RT_R_50_OTA_3x 640,640 36.7 github

In my FCOS:

  • For regression head, GIoU loss is deployed rather than IoU loss
  • For real-time FCOS, the PaFPN is deployed for fpn


Single GPU


You can change the configurations of, according to your own situation.

Multi GPUs


You can change the configurations of, according to your own situation.

In the event of a training interruption, you can pass --resume the latest training weight path (None by default) to resume training. For example:

python \
        --cuda \
        -lr 0.01 \
        -lr_bk 0.01 \
        --batch_size 16 \
        --resume weights/coco/yolof18/yolof18_epoch_6_24.8.pth \


python -d coco \
               --cuda \
               -v yolof50 \
               --weight path/to/weight \
               --root path/to/dataset/ \


I have provide some images in data/demo/images/, so you can run following command to run a demo:

python --mode image \
               --path_to_img data/demo/images/ \
               -v yolof50 \
               --cuda \
               --weight path/to/weight \

If you want run a demo of streaming video detection, you need to set --mode to video, and give the path to video --path_to_vid

python --mode video \
               --path_to_img data/demo/videos/your_video \
               -v yolof50 \
               --cuda \
               --weight path/to/weight \

If you want run video detection with your camera, you need to set --mode to camera

python --mode camera \
               -v yolof50 \
               --cuda \
               --weight path/to/weight \