ngx-showdown copied to clipboard
Angular (>=2) integration for Showdown
Angular Showdown
ngx-showdown is an Angular (>=2) integration for Showdown, A Markdown
- Demo app in source code (live).
- You can play with it in Stackblitz and Plunker.
$ npm install ngx-showdown --save
and install peer dependencies (@angular/common/http
for SourceDirective
$ npm install showdown @angular/common @angular/platform-browser --save
and install type package of Showdown
for TypeScript
$ npm install @types/showdown --save-dev
For more information and explanations, see the full documentation.
Setup ShowdownModule
in your app.
Add ShowdownModule
to imports
of App.
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { ShowdownModule } from 'ngx-showdown';
imports: [ ShowdownModule ]
export class AppModule {}
Or with config (it will init ShowdownConfig
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { ShowdownModule } from 'ngx-showdown';
imports: [ ShowdownModule.forRoot({emoji: true, noHeaderId: true, flavor: 'github'}) ]
export class AppModule {}
Add showdown
to allowedCommonJsDependencies
in the build config of the angular.json
file (From angular >= 10).
"build": {
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser",
"options": {
"allowedCommonJsDependencies": [
Use ShowdownComponent
in the template
Binding to [value]
Bind markdown value to value
property of showdown component.
<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="text"/>
<showdown [value]="text"></showdown>
Bind value and options.
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import * as Showdown from 'showdown';
selector: 'some',
template: '<showdown [value]="text" [options]="options"></showdown>'
export class SomeComponent {
text: string = `
# h1
## h2
options: Showdown.ShowdownOptions = {...};
// ...
As directive on anther element
<div showdown="# Static" noHeaderId></div>
Markdown in component content
A markdown value in the component content.
# H1
## H2
With options
<showdown [options]="{smartIndentationFix: true}">
* a
* b
* c
As directive on anther element
<span showdown emoji>:showdown:**howdown**</span>
Load .md content (by SourceDirective
Load markdown content of url source.
<showdown src=""></showdown>
Bind input url to src
<input type="text" placeholder="Url" [(ngModel)]="url"/>
<showdown #sd [src]="url" (error)="sd.render('**Not found..**')">**No Url..**</showdown>
Note: Loading markdown content requires HttpClient
of @angular/common/http
Mixing sources
When both Content
and [value]
, It will render [value]
<showdown value="# Value"># Content</showdown>
When both Content
and [src]
, It will render Content
and when src
loads then results will be src
<showdown src=""># Content</showdown>
When both [value]
and [src]
, It will render [value]
and when src
loads then results will be src
<showdown value="# Value" src=""></showdown>
Binding options
Bind options object (it init root ShowdownConfig
and then set the bind options
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import * as Showdown from 'showdown';
selector: `some`,
template: `<showdown [value]="text" [options]="options"></showdown>`
export class SomeComponent {
text: string = '# Some';
options: Showdown.ShowdownOptions = {noHeaderId: true};
// ...
<showdown [options]="{noHeaderId: true}"># abc</showdown>
Bind single option (it have input properties for all showdown options).
<showdown noHeaderId [headerLevelStart]="2" [tables]="options.tables"># abc</showdown>
Sanitize the convert html output
Sanitize the convert html output by DomSanitizer
<showdown sanitize>
# Some
<a href="javascript:alert('Hello!')">Click</a>
Also sanitize content of src
<showdown [value]="# Loading.." src="" sanitize="true"></showdown>
Use ShowdownPipe
in the template
Transform markdown value of text
property to html.
{{ text | showdown }}
Transform value with options (it init root ShowdownConfig
and then set the pipe options
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import * as Showdown from 'showdown';
selector: 'some',
template: '{{ text | showdown:options }}'
export class SomeComponent {
text: string = `
# h1
## h2
options: Showdown.ShowdownOptions = {smartIndentationFix: true};
// ...
Use ShowdownConverter
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { ShowdownConverter } from 'ngx-showdown';
export class SomeService {
constructor(showdownConverter: ShowdownConverter){
console.log(showdownConverter.makeHtml('# Showdown'));
Set config provider (ShowdownConfig
Set root config that will be injected to ShowdownComponent, ShowdownPipe, ShowdownConverter when they are created.
import { NgModel } from '@angular/core';
import { ShowdownModule, ShowdownConverter } from 'ngx-showdown';
import * as Showdown from 'showdown';
let colorExtension: Showdown.FilterExtension = {
type: 'output',
filter(text: string, converter: ShowdownConverter){
return text.replace('$color', converter.getOption('color') || 'green')
flavor: 'original',
emoji: true,
color: 'red',
extensions: [ colorExtension ]
export class AppModule {}
Override the root config provider value.
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { ShowdownConfig } from 'ngx-showdown';
selector: 'some',
template: '<showdown># Header</showdown>',
providers: [ {provide: ShowdownConfig, useValue: {underline: true, emoji: false}} ]
export class SomeComponent {}
Set the config manually by the converter methods.
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { ShowdownComponent } from 'ngx-showdown';
import highlightExtension from 'showdown-highlight';
import 'highlight.js/styles/default.css';
selector: 'some',
template: '<showdown># Header</showdown>'
export class SomeComponent {
constructor(showdownComponent: ShowdownComponent) {
showdownComponent.setOptions({emoji: true});
Set root flavor (Showdown flavors).
import { NgModel } from '@angular/core';
import { ShowdownModule } from 'ngx-showdown';
ShowdownModule.forRoot({flavor: 'github'})
export class AppModule {}
Note: If flavor
is not set then the default value is 'vanilla' flavor.
Set root ConverterOptions (Showdown options).
import { NgModel } from '@angular/core';
import { ShowdownModule } from 'ngx-showdown';
ShowdownModule.forRoot({underline: true, emoji: false})
export class AppModule {}
Set root Extensions (Showdown extensions).
With extension can be made changes to the Markdown
input ('lang') and the Html
output also listen to parse event, you can make extension or search in npm for existing extension.
import { NgModel } from '@angular/core';
import { ShowdownModule } from 'ngx-showdown';
import * as Showdown from 'showdown';
import highlightExtension from 'showdown-highlight';
import 'highlight.js/styles/default.css';
let someExtension: Showdown.ShowdownExtension = {
type: 'lang',
regex: new RegExp('markdown', 'g'),
replace: 'showdown'
imports: [
ShowdownModule.forRoot({extensions: [ someExtension, highlightExtension ]})
export class AppModule {}
Using unescaped {}
) in template causes an template parse error (@angular/angular/#11859),
The solution is to use escape chars (html char code etc.),
Anther solution is to override the default interpolation.
Angular aot compiler remove whitespaces by default, use ngPreserveWhitespaces to preserve whitespaces.
<showdown ngPreserveWhitespaces>
* a
* 1
* 2
* b
With ngPreserveWhitespaces
* a
* 1
* 2
* b
Without ngPreserveWhitespaces
* a * 1 * 2
* b
Showdown converter smartIndentationFix option can fix string indentation problems of es6 template and html.
text = `
# A
## B
<showdown [value]="text" smartIndentationFix></showdown>
With smartIndentationFix
# A
## B
Without smartIndentationFix
# A
## B
Pull requests are welcome!
This project built with Angular Cli
Install dependencies
$ yarn install
Run test
$ yarn test
Build for release
$ yarn build
This project use Showdown library to convert Markdown
to Html
Copyright © Yisrael Eliav, Licensed under the MIT license.