DualAttention_for_Segmentation copied to clipboard
This is the repository for re-implementation of dual attention network with pytorch.
This is the repository for re-implementation of dual attention network with pytorch.
*python 3.x
- pytorch >= 1.0
- torchvision
- pandas
- numpy
- Pillow
- tqdm
- addict
- tensorboardX
- adabound
PASCAL VOC(2007/2012)
You can download from this link
If you want to train a model, please run python utils/build_dataset.py
to make csv_files for training and validation.
Then, just run python train.py ./PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE
For example, when running python train.py ./result/danet_drn_d_22/config.yaml
the configuration described in ./result/danet_drn_d_22/config.yaml
will be used .
If you want to set your own configuration, please make config.yaml like this:
model: drn_d_22
attention: True # if you use dual attention modules or not
class_weight: True # if you use class weight to calculate cross entropy or not
writer_flag: True # if you use tensorboardx or not
n_classes: 21 # including background class
batch_size: 32
crop_height: 300
crop_width: 300
height: 256
width: 256
num_workers: 4
max_epoch: 300
optimizer: AdaBound
learning_rate: 0.001
lr_patience: 10 # Patience of LR scheduler
momentum: 0.9 # momentum of SGD
dampening: 0.0 # dampening for momentum of SGD
weight_decay: 0.001 # weight decay for SGD
nesterov: True # enables Nesterov momentum
final_lr: 0.1 # final learning rate for AdaBound
dataset_dir: /xxxx/xxxx/xxxx/VOCdevkit
year: 2012 # pascal voc 2007 or 2012
result_path: ./result/drn_d_22
Dual Attention Network for Scene Segmentation,
Jun Fu, Jing Liu, Haijie Tian, Yong Li, Yongjun Bao, Zhiwei Fang,and Hanqing Lu,
in CVPR2019