There is an article detail activity with a comment list in my app. Every list item has a custom avatar view, so I use method `loadImage` instead of `displayImage` to...
when remeasure child height in `onLayout` method, the code `int childWidthSize = lineWidth` is a bug which will make the following child wrong width. ` ` the actual width is...
The "Plus" animation is delightful and It is smooth to replace the EditText's cursor with the custom cursor. But the problem I find is that I can't change the cursor...
在学习您的源码的时候,看到您的博客里说的,评论布局里的RecycleView用了setIsRecyclable(false),不然复用会导致布局混乱。自己分析了一下,对代码进行了一点修改,解决了这个问题。看楼主的博客,受益匪浅,赞一个 [code=java] if (commentator.getFloorNum() > 1) { //CommentListActivity的228行 //添加这句,当有楼层的子View复用没有楼层的子View时也会正常显示 holder.floors_parent.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); ..... } else { holder.floors_parent.setVisibility(View.GONE); } //在FloorView的init方法里添加removeAllViews();方法清空需复用的楼层里的评论 public void init() { if (null == datas.iterator()) return; removeAllViews(); ... [/code]