Spatial-Temporal-Attention-Network-for-POI-Recommendation copied to clipboard
Some questions about the code
Hi, I am very interested in your work, but I do have some questions about the code. First, I wonder how the data is preprocessed. The data I downloaded from the site, such as Gowalla, the number of users and locations is different from what you presented in your paper. Secondly, I do not quite understand the division of data set, since your approach is different from previous related work, so I do not know how to compare with other methods. Thirdly, I was puzzled for a long time by the fact that I would get an error if I dialed a large number of batch size.
Thank you. There may be similar questions asked before. For batch size, I am deeply sorry for causing the trouble you encounter. You may have to rewrite the codes if you prefer to increase batch size... Sorry for that.
Hi, I am still wondering how the data is preprocessed, such as filtering users and locations. I don't see the solution to this question anywhere else. I appreciate it if you could do my a favor.