Yimin Chen
Yimin Chen
The workers list from task queue is collected when worker poll from task queue. The info is keep for 5m. If worker stops polling for that task queue for more...
In the error message, pointing to the doc about this.
Yes, remove index_template_v6.json, and also cluster_settings_v6.json.
The tagsToMap would exclude the tags listed in excludeTags by replacing them as const value. Not sure what the suggestion here is? The excludeTags also has whitelist of values that...
This is experimental feature, we will address this once we have resource to work on productionize this.
Should also expose history size to workflow task started event so workflow code can access this info as well as they might use it to decide if continue as new...
You can use search attribute to do what you want. First, you need to register your search attribute: https://docs.temporal.io/cloud/tcld/namespace/search-attributes/add/ Then, in your workflow code, you will do something like: UpsertSearchAttribute("MySearchAttributeName",...
Would it work for you if the UI shows the duration of the timer?
We don't have resource to work on this at the moment. Contribution on this would be awesome.