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proxy copied to clipboard

General purpose proxy

Yii Proxy

The package is able to build generic proxy for a class i.e. it allows intercepting all class method calls. It's used in yii-debug package to collect service's method calls information.

For license information check the LICENSE-file.

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The preferred way to install this extension is through Сomposer.

composer require --prefer-dist yiisoft/proxy


Custom base proxy class

Custom base proxy class is useful to perform certain actions during each method call.

use Yiisoft\Proxy\ObjectProxy;

class MyProxy extends ObjectProxy
    protected function afterCall(string $methodName, array $arguments, mixed $result, float $timeStart) : mixed {
        $result = parent::afterCall($methodName, $arguments, $result, $timeStart);
        $error = $this->getCurrentError(); // Use to track and handle errors. 
        $time = microtime(true) - $timeStart; // Use to measure / log execution time.
        return $result;

Additionally, you can customize new instance creation, etc. See examples in yii-debug extension.

Class with interface

Having an interface and class implementing it, the proxy can be created like this:

use Yiisoft\Proxy\ProxyManager;

interface CarInterface
    public function horsepower(): int;

class Car implements CarInterface
    public function horsepower(): int
        return 1;

$path = sys_get_temp_dir();
$manager = new ProxyManager(
    // This is optional. The proxy can be created "on the fly" instead. But it's recommended to specify path to enable
    // caching.
/** @var Car|MyProxy $object */
$object = $manager->createObjectProxy(
    MyProxy::class, // Custom base proxy class defined earlier.
    [new Car()]
// Now you can call `Car` object methods through proxy the same as you would call it in original `Car` object.
$object->horsepower(); // Outputs "1".

Class without interface

An interface is not required though, the proxy still can be created almost the same way:

use Yiisoft\Proxy\ProxyManager;

class Car implements CarInterface
    public function horsepower(): int
        return 1;

$path = sys_get_temp_dir();
$manager = new ProxyManager($path);
/** @var Car|MyProxy $object */
$object = $manager->createObjectProxy(
    Car::class, // Pass class instead of interface here. 
    [new Car()]

Proxy class contents

Here is an example how proxy class looks internally:

class CarProxy extends MyProxy implements CarInterface
    public function horsepower(): int
        return $this->call('horsepower', []);

Unit testing

The package is tested with PHPUnit. To run tests:


Mutation testing

The package tests are checked with Infection mutation framework. To run it:


Static analysis

The code is statically analyzed with Psalm. To run static analysis:


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The Yiisoft Proxy is free software. It is released under the terms of the BSD License. Please see LICENSE for more information.

Maintained by Yii Software.