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Yii Array Helper
Yii Arrays
The package provides:
that has static methods to work with arrays; -
that has static methods for sort arrays; -
provides the implementation for \IteratorAggregate, \ArrayAccess and \Countable; -
for use in classes who want to support customizable representation of their instances.
- PHP 8.0 or higher.
composer require yiisoft/arrays
ArrayHelper usage
Array helper methods are static so usage is like the following:
$username = \Yiisoft\Arrays\ArrayHelper::getValue($_POST, 'username');
Overall the helper has the following method groups.
Getting data
- getValue
- getValueByPath
- getColumn
- getObjectVars
Setting data
- addValue
- addValueByPath
- setValue
- setValueByPath
Removing data
- remove
- removeByPath
- removeValue
Detecting array types
- isIndexed
- isAssociative
HTML encoding and decoding values
- htmlDecode
- htmlEncode
Testing against arrays
- isIn
- isSubset
- index
- group
- filter
- map
- merge
- parametrizedMerge
- toArray
- keyExists
- pathExists
ArraySorter usage
Array sorter has one static method which usage is like the following:
\Yiisoft\Arrays\ArraySorter::multisort($data, ['age', 'name'], [SORT_ASC, SORT_DESC]);
ArrayAccessTrait usage
provides the implementation for
\ArrayAccess and
Note that ArrayAccessTrait
requires the class using it contain a property named data
which should be an array.
The data will be exposed by ArrayAccessTrait to support accessing the class object like an array.
Example of use:
use \Yiisoft\Arrays\ArrayAccessTrait;
class OfficeClassification implements \IteratorAggregate, \ArrayAccess, \Countable
use ArrayAccessTrait;
public array $data = [
'a' => 'Class A',
'b' => 'Class B',
'c' => 'Class C',
$classification = new OfficeClassification();
echo 'Count classes: ' . $classification->count() . "\n"; // 3
$iterator = $classification->getIterator();
while ($iterator->valid()) {
echo $iterator->current() . "\n"; // Class A, Class B, Class C
ArrayableInterface and ArrayableTrait usage
and its implementation ArrayableTrait
intended for use in classes who want to support customizable representation of their instances.
Example of use:
use \Yiisoft\Arrays\ArrayableTrait;
use \Yiisoft\Arrays\ArrayableInterface;
class Car implements ArrayableInterface
use ArrayableTrait;
public string $type = 'Crossover';
public string $color = 'Red';
public int $torque = 472;
$car = new Car();
$data = $car->toArray(['type', 'color']); // ['type' => 'Crossover', 'color' => 'Red']
Unit testing
The package is tested with PHPUnit. To run tests:
Mutation testing
The package tests are checked with Infection mutation framework with Infection Static Analysis Plugin. To run it:
Static analysis
The code is statically analyzed with Psalm. To run static analysis:
The Yii Arrays is free software. It is released under the terms of the BSD License. Please see LICENSE
for more information.
Maintained by Yii Software.