Pedestrian-Synthesis-GAN copied to clipboard
Pedestrian-Synthesis-GAN: Generating Pedestrian Data in Real Scene and Beyond
I think discriminator's loss should't be back-propagated to generator. But in the source code, when calculating cropped pedestrian discriminator's loss, the tensor `self.person_crop_fake` isn't detached. I think it should be...
bounding box's key names 'h' and 'w' make us associate 'height' and 'width', but they are **NOT**. according source code, they means bounding box's bottom right (x, y) coordinate.
when training, the below error occurs: ``` python \ --dataroot /content/psgan_datasets/ \ --name my_experiment_1 \ --model pix2pix \ --which_model_netG unet_256 \ --batchSize 256 \ --which_direction BtoA \ --lambda_A 100...
invalid argument 2: pad should be smaller than half of kernel size, but got padW = 1, padH = 2, kW = 14, kH = 3 at /pytorch/torch/lib/THCUNN/generic/
你好,冒昧打扰你,想向你请教数据集的格式,疑惑包括 1)加噪声框是手动添加吗,代码中没有包含加噪声框吗 2)从dataset中的格式来看,加噪声框的图片是需要和原图拼在一起形成一张图片吗? 希望得到你的回复,感谢你!
Hi, I would like to compare my results on the CityPersons detections with your work in your paper. Can you please tell me the exact evaluation protocol that you used?...
Could you please point the location of spp-layer?
Can you give pointers as to which script corresponds to creating the noisy data ?
HI @oyxhust @yueruchen Thanks for wonderful code , when i train the model for custom object besides person it behaves differently , can you share some pointers what are the...