Mu Wu9527
Mu Wu9527
hello, I think you can use cv2.resize(image, rezise_shape) to resize picture to [64,64] I do not know why you choose to discuss the three situations(width==height, width>height, width
```python def export(fn): mod = sys.modules[fn.__module__] if hasattr(mod, '__all__'): mod.__all__.append(fn.__name__) else: mod.__all__ = [fn.__name__] return fn ``` I don't understand the useful of the export function?
Hello, I replace your data augmentation function (`RandomPadandCrop`, `RandomFlip`) with pytorch augmenation function (`RandomCrop`, `RandomHorizontalFlip`). But the performance declines from 94% to 66%. My data augmantion code is as follow:...
Hello,I run `python --seed=24 --scale=3 --optimizer=sgd --fast_auto_augment=True `. A warning is reported as follow: `/disk1/jinlin2/anaconda3/envs/fast-auto-aug/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/ UserWarning: semaphore_tracker: There appear to be 1 leaked semaphores to clean up at shutdown...
Does this code have a tensorflow version? I am more familiar with tensorflow.