
Results 76 issues of 俞航

Hi, I believe it's quite redundant for mmap for check file boundaries as in most use cases, mmap offset and length is bounded by user already. It should totally up...

## 🐛 Bug https://github.com/huggingface/transformers#run_squadpy-fine-tuning-on-squad-for-question-answering Metnioned in https://github.com/pytorch/captum/blob/master/tutorials/Bert_SQUAD_Interpret.ipynb is no longer accessible, it points to the hf transformer main page instead

_Before asking a new question, please [use the issue search feature](https://github.com/premake/premake-core/issues) to see if your question has already been asked. Help us help you!_ **What's your question?** Is there a...


![msedge_wvgUu5HLeI](https://github.com/BrainCog-X/Brain-Cog/assets/19365678/9ac60152-e8bf-437c-a886-8c9ca9870a58) 这些图片的可视化在当前repo中吗,还是依赖第三方软件,我对复现这些可视化很感兴趣。谢谢!

刚接触AIGC,有计划实现类似instant-ngp的网格体生成功能吗,只要白膜就行。这样就可以用于AIGC了 如果我没理解错instant-ngp的实现方法 https://github.com/NVlabs/instant-ngp/blob/master/src/marching_cubes.cu 原理应该是nerf 按照不透明度 转化成sdf,然后sdf再采样成mesh。 不确定太极有没有 现成的sdf2mesh函数库。但是找到一个开源的python实现:https://github.com/cvlab-epfl/voxel2mesh 谢谢 --- I am new to AIGC, are there any plans to implement mesh generation functions similar to instant-ngp, as long as...

Hi chili, Thanks for the great work! I was interested in your 3d fundamentals video series one day and tried this project on my computer. It seems your project was...

Hi I am build this project on ubuntu 20.04 x64 It seems there is a missing lib used by `external/vsgXchange/bin/vsgconv` called `libOGLCompiler.a` ``` cmake --build . -j 32 [ 7%]...

HI, Why is pch files not supported ? Thanks!

### Please check that this issue hasn't been reported before. - [X] I searched previous [Bug Reports](https://github.com/reworkd/AgentGPT/labels/bug) didn't find any similar reports. ### Expected Behavior I essentially want to login...
