FloatWindow copied to clipboard
FloatWindow of this tag has been added, Please set a new tag for the new FloatWindow
我是在Activity 中使用的 FloatWindow .with(getApplicationContext()) .setView(mView) .setWidth(Screen.width, 0.2f) //设置悬浮控件宽高 .setHeight(Screen.width, 0.2f) .setX(Screen.width, 0.8f) .setY(Screen.height, 0.3f) //.setTag("class3") .setMoveType(MoveType.slide, 80, 80) .setMoveStyle(500, new BounceInterpolator()) .setViewStateListener(mViewStateListener) .setPermissionListener(mPermissionListener) //.setDesktopShow(true) .build(); FloatWindow.get().show(); 总会报这个异常,FloatWindow of this tag has been added, Please set a new tag for the new FloatWindow
默认tag已经使用了。 最好是设置唯一的tag